Agenda item

Children and Young People's Sub-Group Report

The Board is asked to consider how, going forward, the Health and Wellbeing Board agencies/members can support the delivery of the CYPP priorities as identified within the current plan and to respond to the recommendations set out in the report.


Sarah McCluskey and Mary Kearney-Knowles – 30 minutes


The Board considered a report which set out the progress made against priorities.  There has been positive delivery against all priority areas.


Sarah McCluskey, Strategic Commissioning Officer, presented the report.  The four key outcomes are that:


·  Children and young people are safe

·  Children and young people are healthy

·  Children and young people have fair life chances

·  Children and young people are engaged citizens in their own community


Work is taking place with third sector services to ensure that good systems are in place.  Officers are also working to address planned intervention programmes which can help children at risk of exclusion from school.  This will provide support to child protection plans, a virtual school, the inclusion team and trauma support.


It was noted that there has been significant pressure on schools and families over the last year due to the covid-19 pandemic which is having an impact.  One of the key priority areas is SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disability).


The following issues were then discussed:


·  The Board welcomed the progress made.  Services have seen an increase in young people seeking support.  Concern was expressed at the gap in early mental health support provision.

·  The mental health transformation plan is now in place and additional support programmes will be provided in schools.  It is important to continue to focus on this issue.

·  It was noted that a large number of Curo tenants have mental health problems and this continues to be a challenge.

·  The third sector is also witnessing increasing cases of self-harm and suicide ideation.

·  It was suggested that public sector organisations could provide opportunities for vulnerable children and young people to gain employment which could lead to long-term change.  Apprenticeships are available and there are plans to recruit a third Young Ambassador.

·  The Board thanked officers for all the work they have undertaken to help young people over the last year despite the challenging circumstances.

·   A key priority for the Board is the improvement of mental health across the whole age spectrum.  The CCG has a programme board which is considering this issue as it is creating a pressure point.  It is important to consider how best to provide early intervention and there should be a B&NES-wide discussion on this topic.








(1)  To note the Children and Young People Plan (CYPP) refresh for 2021-2022 and agree the CYP Sub-Group recommendation that the current plan is further extended until March 2023.


(2)  To note and approve the Children and Young People Plan Year 3 Review progress report on the priorities identified in the plan for 2018-2021.


(3)  To agree to include the CYP sub-committee in the development of the next Health and wellbeing Board Strategy (which will help to inform the next CYPP).


(4)  To approve the amended terms of reference for the CYP sub-committee.


(5)  To note the pressures across the system of meeting the emotional health and wellbeing needs of children and young people currently, especially given the impact of Covid. These pressures are felt especially in regard to meeting the emotional health and wellbeing needs of the more vulnerable children and young people, and the needs of children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities.


(6)  To note the pressures on the capacity for SEND pupils within B&NES both special and mainstream schools and the fact that there is potential for this pressure to increase as the number of requests for Needs Assessments and the number of Education Health and Care Plans are increasing each year.


(7)  To note that there is an increase in capacity within B&NES in relation to pupils with EHCPs with a primary need of Social, Emotional and Mental Health difficulties in that Aspire Academy is expanding to a maximum of 84 places in 2022/23 and then a further increase to 120 places in 2023/24.


(8)  To note the reports from the Head of the Education Inclusion Service and the update regarding the SEND Education Strategy.

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