Agenda item
Community Mental Health Services Framework
The report describes the implementation of the Community Mental Health Services Framework across BSW and locally within Bath and North East Somerset.
The Interim Director of Adult Social Care introduced the report to the Panel and highlighted the following areas.
· In the NHS Long Term Plan mental health services are a key priority and this framework is focused transforming the model for community mental health services for people aged 16+.
· The framework implementation is being led by BSW (Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire) Clinical Commissioning Group and will create a very different way of working. It is an exciting opportunity to transform the way community mental health services are delivered, creating a new model of mental health care in our communities with joined-up services and an approach which is focussed on the needs of the whole population and which supports the development of Primary Care Networks (PCN) and personalised care.
· There is a recognition nationally and across BSWCCG on the need to improve mental health services. There is a need to improve early access and make getting support easier for people. The experience of the pandemic and the subsequent lockdowns has increased demand for mental health services.
· To meet the transformation challenge there is £10m new money across BSW over the next three years and the system response has been to bring partners and localities together to co-design the response to the National Community Mental Health Services Framework to meet the needs of local people and support them in their local communities.
· There are three system priorities for 2021/22.
o The first is to build a new workforce by the implementation of the named wellbeing coordinator roles across Primary Care Networks, investment into Clinical Associate Psychologist trainee posts and investment in key leadership structures.
o The second priority is to pilot the new model from Quarter 1 and key to this is building trust and confidence in the Primary Care Network (PCN) and provider relationships. There are seven PCNs across BSW who will work more closely with the BSWCCG to pilot the new model and in Bath and North East Somerset the two PCNs involved are Heart of Bath and Bath Independents. The focus will be improving the advice and guidance pathway and understanding the impact of existing practices in relation to mental health formulary and shared care prescribing.
o The third priority is the development of the Personality Disorder, Eating Disorder, 16-25 and older adult pathways
- This is a provider led transformation, the Council can influence but is not able to determine where monies are allocated.
The Chairman asked how the £10m will be allocated.
The Interim Director of Adult Social Care replied that we have asked for clarification on our allocation but said that as the transformation is provider led most of the allocation will go to Oxford Health and AWP.
The Chairman asked if there was a need to recruit further staff for this work.
The Interim Director of Adult Social Care replied that this is a significant area of priority and that a focus will be put upon Recruit, Sustain & Retain.
Councillor Liz Hardman asked what the Mental Health Collaborative is identified in paragraph 3.12.
The Interim Director of Adult Social Care replied that this is a group of 3rd sector groups that will come together to look at services within Mental Health to ensure that the Framework meets the needs of the community.
Councillor Liz Hardman asked what was meant by a co-production event in paragraph 3.13.
The Interim Director of Adult Social Care replied that this would see Healthwatch Wiltshire and Wiltshire Centre for Independent Living working with individuals to deliver events across BSW in June & July.
The Panel RESOLVED to note the progress on the implementation of the Community Mental Health Services Framework across BSW and locally within Bath and North East Somerset.
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