Agenda item
Shaping a Healthier Future (formerly New Hospital Programme)
This is an update on the support model development that has been taking place during May and June in relation to the Shaping a Healthier Future Programme.
Simon Cook, SaHF Programme Director and Geoff Underwood, Programme Director, SCW CSU introduced this item to the Panel and highlighted the following areas from the report.
· RUH working with partners and the public across its catchment to develop a vision and support model for the population to deliver excellence
· The new model of how we deliver support and care will inform our investment needs for the future and underpin any business case that bids for infrastructure investment
· We want to do this with the local population for the local population so your support in this is vital
· 2019-20 Clinical strategy principles developed
· March 2021 Trust launch of high-level clinical vision
· April 2021 Workshops held with staff and members
· April 2021 Development of patient champions group
· July 2021 Preparation for wider public involvement
Context - national and local drivers
· A more complex population - The over 75 population in B&NES is anticipated to rise by 36% by 2029; comparable rises will be seen in Wiltshire and Somerset
· Changing workforce - Expectations and needs of our staff are changing, reflecting generational shifts and the impact of Covid-19. What we need from our staff is also changing.
· Digital innovation - Offers new ways to provide services, share information and communicate with patients and families
· Mental health/vulnerable people - Parity and integration with physical health, for service planning and delivery
Key local challenges
· 26% children with unhealthy weight Increases risk of developing a range of chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes
· 18% of local population in B&NES experiencing mental health condition
· 43% Expected increase in numbers of men with dementia by 2025
Design principles
Creating a new future of outstanding healthcare with prevention and intervention when and where it is needed, working together to help our communities enjoy healthier lives.
· Provide holistic and flexible care seamlessly as one system with embedded innovation and continual improvement
· Provide person centred care and empowerment to put the person in control of their health and wellbeing, and ensuring that each interaction adds value to the person
· Provide care at home or in the community wherever appropriate, coordinated through strong primary care networks and multidisciplinary teams, and supported by sufficient emergency and specialist capacity in hospitals
· Deliver an efficient way of working to ensure financial sustainability of the system and value for money of services
Summary model – Work in progress
· Single point of access
o Preventative and proactive population health management
o Enhanced out of hospital care and co-ordination
o Community based care and escalation
o Hospital of the future and specialist care
Engagement – RUH workstreams and BSW health & care model work
· RUH Staff - 23 staff are actively involved in clinical working groups
· 14 members of the public are actively involved in health and care model working groups (Patient Champions)
· System Partners / 3rd Sector / Subject Specialists
Staff & Public feedback on vision and aims
· ‘It promises a great deal but to implement it will need creative thinking and user-friendly pathways’
· ‘Exhausted. It’s a great vision, but are we physically and mentally able to take this on?’
· ‘Inspired to deliver a 1st class healthcare service to everyone when and where they need it’
Next steps
· Prepare for wider public involvement
· Development of service user 'personas' to bring it alive
· Commence wider public involvement August
Kevin Burnett commented that preventative patient centric care should be in place as you make your way through life.
Geoff Underwood replied that there is an intention to join up data across all services with regard to population health management and to use that data to understand and tailor services. He added that events and data should be shared with a Care Co-ordinator.
Kevin Burnett commented that there can be significant time gaps outside of regular health checks for a number of members of the public and that there might not be as much patient knowledge as people don’t always see the same GP.
Geoff Underwood replied that there does need to be a continuity of care and that this is a challenge that will be assessed as we move forward. He added that record management will be important.
Councillor Rob Appleyard asked how residents can be informed of the best way to access the system / services, now and in the future.
Simon Cook replied that education on how to find services and making them easier to access would be key. He added that it is a challenge to ensure that resources are used appropriately to deliver the models of care required.
He said that as the public involvement increases over August – October that there will be some face to face meetings and roadshows as well the continuation of online surveys.
Councillor Liz Hardman asked how have the public have been selected for the consultation and how will wider public consultation in August will be organised.
Simon Cook said that members of the RUH Foundation Trust were invited to express areas of interest to comment on. He added that plans were now being worked on for the wider public engagement. He said that they will try to express the information to the public in a simpler form.
Councillor Hardman commented that earlier in the year, when these proposals were first brought to the Panel, we were anticipating significant investment in buildings. She asked if this is it still the case that we are expecting money to follow as a result of this work.
Simon Cook replied that this is part of a national programme and that there are no guarantees for capital being received. He added that the bid will need show a compelling case for the programme / vision and embrace digital opportunities and preventative health management.
Kevin Burnett asked if education settings would be involved in the consultation and encouraged engagement to be made with the Youth Forum.
Simon Cook replied that they do have that appreciation in mind and would welcome contact details for the Youth Forum.
The Director of Children's Services & Education replied that she would provide this information to them.
The Chairman asked if updates would be required at every meeting of the Panel as the programme progresses.
Simon Cook replied that he thought that would be advisable as the public engagement commences and the business case seeks approval.
The Chairman thanked Simon and Geoff for their report and attendance on behalf of the Panel.
Supporting documents: