Agenda item
Pension Fund Administration - Performance Indicators and Risk Register
The purpose of this report is to inform the Pensions Committee of the performance for Fund Administration for the period up to 31st March 2021 and actions undertaken following the Coronavirus outbreak and UK lockdown on 23rd March 2020.
The Pensions Manager introduced this report to the Committee. He said that there has been an increase in telephone calls and emails to the administration team which has led to a small downturn in overall performance.
He added that there are some concerns amongst staff about the continuation of working from home relating to mental health and childcare.
Referring to section 8.4 of the report Councillor Shaun Stephenson-McGall asked if any of the employers were consistently of notable concern.
The Pensions Manager replied that there were not and said that employer relations teams were in place to monitor this.
The Committee unanimously RESOLVED to note the Fund and Employer performance for the three months to 31st March 2021.
Supporting documents:
- Admin Performance Report, item 15. PDF 116 KB
- Appendix 1 Membership data, item 15. PDF 83 KB
- Appendix 2 SLA Performance & Workload, item 15. PDF 247 KB
- Appendix 2a Legal Requirements APF Performance, item 15. PDF 104 KB
- Appendix 3 Employer Performance, item 15. PDF 74 KB
- Appendix 4 TPR DIP, item 15. PDF 178 KB
- Appendix 5 Late payers table for PC APC January to March 2021, item 15. PDF 96 KB
- Appendix 6 - Risk Register May 2021, item 15. PDF 80 KB
- Appendix 6A - Dashboard May 2021, item 15. PDF 22 KB
- Appendix 7 Current list of IDRP, item 15. PDF 12 KB
- Appendix 8 Tracing Overview, item 15. PDF 121 KB