Agenda item

Liveable Neighbourhoods Update

A report is attached on ‘Liveable Neighbourhoods Update’. There will be a presentation at the meeting.


The Cabinet Member for Climate and Sustainable Travel (& Deputy Leader), Councillor Sarah Warren introduced the report. Nick Helps, Sustainable Transport Manager, gave a presentation to the Panel and covered the following points:


·  Change in Road Traffic GB 1949-2020

·  Cars are getting longer, wider, taller and heavier

·  School Travel

·  Previous schemes in Bath

·  Liveable Neighborhoods in Bath

·  Timeline

·  Consultation – key principles 1 and 2

·  Comparison with national data

·  Concerns Expressed

·  Opportunities identified

·  ‘We will give people a bigger say in shaping our services’

·  Summary of applications (February and May 2021)

·  LTN and SRTS Applications: Bath and Batheaston

·  LTN and SRTS Applications: Rest of NE Somerset

·  LTN prioritization: Key assessment criteria

·  Proposed next steps



Panel members raised the following point and asked the following questions:

(Officer responses shown in italics)


Councillor O Brien raised the following:


·  The feedback from similar schemes in London mentioned that emergency vehicles had been hindered. The officer explained that the fire brigade had been positive in programming in areas where there are LTNs. The main thing that delays emergency vehicles is traffic. Also there are some issues with data coding.

·  Mitigations will be done while designing the new scheme – how will this work? The officer explained that use of ANPR enforcement cameras will maintain emergency vehicle access.

·  What are the implications for residents parking schemes for areas of deprivation? The officer explained that while some people have older cars, if we do not take action, we will not get the benefits. Some elements of plans could be phased. The benefits of LTNs are cleaner air and less traffic on streets which will benefit everyone. The Cabinet Member added that residents parking zones will only come forward in areas that request it.

·  Some people may need cars to get to work. The London Road will get more traffic if there is an LTN north of the area. The officer explained that LTNs are not about pushing traffic from one area to another, they are about reducing the overall number of vehicles on the network.


Councillor Bromley asked if other traffic calming measures could be used in areas where a scheme is not successful at the consultation stage. The officer confirmed this.


Dr Kumar asked if there was still time to apply. The officer explained that the next application deadline is 5th August.


Councillor Hirst stating that it was an exciting and ambitious programme. He raised the following:


·  Will there be monitoring and evaluation of unintended consequences and how quickly can we tune in on any issues. The officer explained that traffic monitoring will be carried out before the scheme and also once it is in operation.

·  How confident are you are delivery? The officer stated that we should be ambitious, even if it takes time to come to fruition.


Councillor Wright raised the following points:


·  Who is responsible for TRO’s? The Cabinet Member stated that she would ask an officer to check this.

·  The issue affects public health, is the relevant Cabinet Member and PDS Panel being involved? The Cabinet Member stated that she would be delighted with any involvement where appropriate.

·  Have you visited Waltham Forest? The Cabinet Member stated that she had not.

·  Councillors are talking about their own areas; how will you deal with this political element? The officer explained that ward members were asked to come forward and many have submitted proposals.

·  Where will you get the data regarding the through traffic? The officer explained that ANPR cameras would be used where necessary and that there will be data from the CAZ.

·  Some areas do not have residents’ associations – will you make this fair and seek community voices where there are no established groups? The officer explained that input is sought from community groups and members of the public as well as residents’ associations.


Councillor Johnson raised the following points:


·  This strategy will mainly affect the city, what will happen to funding for NE Somerset? The Cabinet Member explained that Councillors from NE Somerset have been encouraged to put in bids. They can suggest other measures, not just LTNs.

·  If a scheme does not work and is cancelled, this will cause a lot of frustration with residents. The officer explained that he understands that cancelled schemes cause frustration.


Councillor O Brien asked if the 1,900 liveable neighbourhoods consultation sample had been analysed for postcodes. The officer explained that the consultation did not collect postcodes. Post meeting note: The survey response was 1,600.


Councillor Crossley asked what work had been done on analysing displacement traffic because people won’t get rid of cars in large numbers. The officer explained that there will be traffic monitoring in areas adjacent to schemes to look at levels of car use.


Councillor Johnson asked if the Council would influence schemes that have been put forward or just action what has been suggested. The officer explained that it would be hard to take an LTN scheme forward if it was not supported by the local ward members.


The Panel RESOLVED to note the report and presentation.

Supporting documents: