Agenda item
Corporate Strategy and COVID Response update
This report updates the Cabinet on progress made in delivering our Corporate Strategy and identifies key issues for its further development in the context of recovery and renewal following our response to COVID-19 throughout 2020/21.
Councillor Richard Samuel introduced the report by saying that this document should have appeared at the end of each year of the current administration. This report covered a two year period due to the pandemic. Councillor Samuel added that he hoped that this report would be presented to the Cabinet again next year and at the end of this administration's term to summaries what was achieved corporately by the Council over the four-year period. This was quite a comprehensive report covering what has been done in such difficult circumstances, over the last 18 months. The Council has gone through an enormous amount of change in the last two years including a completely new senior management team.
The general public health response to COVID, had consumed a lot of time and energy and corporate capacity over the last year, and this was a priority for this Council.
Nevertheless, all of this has been achieved within the budgets that the Council set. Despite the massive hits, and cuts that the Council had to make in year two of the budget, and despite the government's underfunding of lost income, the Council did not find itself in a position like Luton Council, which relies very heavily on income from Luton Airport, because the government didn't meet the full cost.
Councillor Samuel concluded his introduction of the report by thanking the Council staff on behalf of the Cabinet
Councillor Richard Samuel moved the recommendations.
Councillor David Wood seconded the motion by saying that the report has shown how much had been achieved in two years despite adverse circumstances, but also showed how much could be done in the next two years. Councillor Wood drew attention to environmental issues in Northeast Somerset which have been taken forward, particularly in planning a new recycling centre in Keynsham. litter picking blitz on the A roads and B roads of Northeast Somerset, and Council’s commitment on fly tipping.
Councillor Tim Ball also welcomed the report and thanked the Council staff for the great work done during the pandemic. Councillor Ball added that it looked like business was going back to normal, and this administration would continue delivering its priorities despite the negative impact from the pandemic.
Councillor Sarah Warren also welcomed the report and highlighted that, despite the pandemic, the Council have continued to act on the climate emergency. The Council had conducted a range of webinars on this matter. The Clean Air Zone had started on 15th March this year, the first in the country outside London. The Council had also secured funding for redeveloping energy efficient homes, developed partnerships with local organisations around ecological emergency and worked with key local businesses on a more localised economy.
Councillor Dine Romero also welcomed the report by saying that funding for free school meals (FSM) has been secured for FSM provision during summer holidays. Councillor Romero said that she was immensely proud of the Council on delivering services to the residents during the pandemic.
RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to note the progress on the delivery of the Corporate Strategy and the Council’s response to COVID-19 during 2020/21, the details of which are highlighted in the report.
Supporting documents:
E3276 Corporate Strategy, item 14.
PDF 168 KB
E3276z Corporate Strategy End of Year Review, item 14.