Agenda item

BSW CCG Update

The Panel will receive an update from the B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire Clinical Commissioning Group (BSW CCG) on current issues.


Dr Bryn Bird, B&NES Locality Clinical Chair addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.


Covid-19 Mass Vaccination Programme


December saw the start of the roll out of the coronavirus vaccination programme in Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire. Initially a local vaccination centre was set up in Sulis Manor Road Surgery in Coombe Down with vaccinations coordinated by GP Federation BEMS.


Vaccinations have been under way in our area since before Christmas and, to date, more than 35,000 people across Bath and North East Somerset have received the lifesaving vaccine thanks to the hard work and dedication of colleagues working across the area.


During the week commencing 4th of January, additional sites began to offer the vaccine at Batheaston Medical Centre and the Somer Centre in Midsomer Norton.


A central vaccination centre was opened at the Bath Pavilion on 12th of January and a further site at West View Surgery in Keynsham on the 14th January.


We would very much value your support in helping to reassure any concerned residents who are worried about potentially being missed off the vaccine list, that as soon as it is their turn to be vaccinated, they will receive details of their appointment either by phone or letter.


Should you or any resident have a specific vaccine-related question, please feel free to get in touch via our new dedicated vaccine mailbox, which can be reached by sending an email to


Temporary closure of Paulton Minor Injuries Unit and wider system pressures


The health and care system across Bath and North east Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire is experiencing extreme pressure as a result of the rapidly rising number of patients needing treatment for Covid-19, in addition to the usual pressures connected to more general winter related illnesses and high levels of staff sickness.


As a result of this, the Minor Injury Units (MIUs) at Paulton Hospital and Trowbridge Community Hospital will be closed on a temporary basis so staff can be redeployed to provide vital additional capacity elsewhere in the local area.


Similar plans were put in place during the first national lockdown with MIUs closing in April, before a gradual reopening for appointments only from August onwards.

It is important to highlight that the closure of these MIU is a temporary measure and the decision will be reviewed on an ongoing basis with a view to reopening the units as soon as it is feasible and sustainable to do so.


Home oximetry monitoring service


Bath and North East Somerset, Swindon and Wiltshire CCG has launched a new service across the area designed to enable clinically vulnerable patients with Covid-19 who are isolating at home to measure their own oxygen levels and send data into local hospitals.


If clinicians spot any early warning signs in terms of low blood oxygen levels – which can lead to complications and poor outcomes – the patient can then be admitted to hospital where they can receive treatment.


The new approach will allow clinicians to identify patients at home who are likely to deteriorate and quickly treat them and is potentially lifesaving.


Long Covid service


GP Surgeries, hospitals and community health and care provider Medvivo have been working together to create a dedicated service for people affected by a condition known as Long Covid.


The condition, which is thought to affect more than 60,000 people in the UK, can cause continuing fatigue, 'brain fog', breathlessness and pain.


The service, which was launched on 1 December, includes a virtual assessment clinic, diagnostics and an onward referral pathway.


The service will also provide self-help options with input from the third sector and from those who have been affected by the condition.


Integrated Care System Designation


An Integrated Care System (ICS) is a way of working across health and care organisations that allows them to work closer together to take collective responsibility for managing resources, delivering care and improving the health and wellbeing of the population they serve.


The ICSs will integrate:

  • primary and specialist care
  • physical and mental health services
  • health and social care.


Across BSW, hospitals, GP surgeries, community care providers, local authorities, a mental health trust, an ambulance trust and voluntary sector organisations have been working together since 2016 as part of the BSW Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP).


Working together as the new BSW Partnership, health and care partners will prioritise issues that matter to local communities as well as managing health and care provision during the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.


Councillor Paul May asked if he felt there would be any implications on the CCG and current services, including those provided by Virgin Care, as a result of the introduction of the Integrated Care System.


Dr Bird replied that implementation of the legislation was due to take place in April 2022 which in the long-term would see the integration of community services into primary and secondary services. He added that there are no short-term plans to make changes to the Virgin Care contract.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked for local residents to be assured that the closure of Paulton Minor Injuries Unit will just be a temporary measure.


Dr Bird replied that there are no plans for a long-term closure of the site and that the decision had been taken so that staff could help in other areas across the service.


Councillor Andy Wait asked if there had been any problems with distribution of the vaccine.


Dr Bird replied that there had been initial teething problems relating to its delivery, but they were not anticipating any pinch points with the current flow of delivery.


The Chair asked if residents of B&NES would be asked to attend the site at Ashton Gate, Bristol to be vaccinated.


Dr Bird replied that depending on locality some residents could be invited to be vaccinated at the Ashton Gate site.


Councillor Rob Appleyard added that residents would be given the option to contact their GP for a more local venue.


The Chair thanked Dr Bird for his update on behalf of the Panel.