Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Kevin Guy addressed the Panel, a copy of his briefing can be found online as an appendix to the minutes.


Kevin Burnett asked if the Council or schools would be co-ordinating the next round of Free School Meal provision during the February half term.


Councillor Guy replied that schools would be delivering the next package of provision directly. He added that at this stage that there was no confirmation from the Government on provision for the Easter holidays. He stated that the Council were carrying out preliminary work on possible scenarios for those holidays.


Kevin Burnett asked if enough IT equipment was available through schools for those families that need it in this current lockdown period to access learning from home.


The Director of Education, Inclusion and Children’s Safeguarding replied that the DFE has committed to ensuring that families have adequate access to IT. He added that schools have been assessing what additional need there is for IT devices and are ordering accordingly. He said that secondary schools have received equipment already and primaries will have started receiving laptops last week. He stated that the LA remains committed to supporting those most in need, but is assured that schools are advising that they can access the IT that their pupils need. The LA is appraising options to act as a contact for those families who cannot access a school device.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that she believed that the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) were not able to access digital help funds despite primary schools now teaching remotely.


The Director of Education, Inclusion and Children’s Safeguarding replied that the Council are trying to work with those that need it and that he would be happy to be informed of any particular issues.


Councillor Paul May said that he would like to acknowledge the work of all Children’s Services staff over the last year.


Councillor Alison Born commented that she felt that there was a good service within B&NES for people diagnosed with having Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). She asked how would the ‘Waiting List Plus’ initiative that had recently received funding for work across B&NES, Swindon & Wiltshire (BSW) would interface with the current service.


The Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning replied that this work would be carried out in addition to provide support to the services already in place.


Councillor Alison Born said that she would like to commend the work of the local Public Health team over the past year.


Councillor Rob Appleyard replied that they really are a highly functioning group that provide so much support work across the Council and to the universities and other partners. He added that he would like to thank the Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning and all staff within Adult Services for their work over the past year.


Councillor Paul May asked how the Covid-19 vaccination programme was progressing locally, particularly in terms of residents within Care Homes.


Councillor Appleyard replied that he believed it was going well and that a more accurate report could be given by the end of the week.


Dr Bryn Bird, B&NES Locality Clinical Chair added that the programme is on course to have vaccinated all Care Home residents by the end of January.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if the new legislation relating to Breathing Space, that will allow individuals who are in ‘crisis’ and in debt to ask for a pause on that debt for 90 days, will be available to new entrants or just apply to all current Universal Credit recipients.


Councillor Appleyard replied that the guidance was still being worked on. He added that he had discussed the issue with the Chief Executive of the local Citizens Advice Bureau.


The Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning said that guidance would be shared when it had been published.


Kevin Burnett asked if any further information could be given regarding the commissioning work on early help services for children.


The Director for Children & Young People said that she could provide feedback on this matter in writing.


Kevin Burnett asked if an update could be provided on Operation Encompass and the Escalation Protocol following discussion at the Child Protection Forum.


The Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning replied that she would make enquiries on those matters for the Panel.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Members for their updates on behalf of the Panel.