Agenda item

Corporate and Budget Planning 2021/22

There will be a presentation on this item at the meeting.


David Trethewey, Director of Partnerships and Corporate Services, gave a presentation which covered the following:


Lisa Bartlett, Director – Development, was also present.


·  The Budget Challenge 2021/22 Headlines

·  The Budget proposal 2021/22 – 25/26

·  New 2021/22 budget pressures/Covid impacts

·  Strategic Financial planning themes

·  Areas of strategic priority and focus over the next two years

·  Service Achievements 2020/2021

·  Portfolio Savings Summary

·  Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services Savings Proposals

·  Community Services Savings Proposals

·  Housing, Planning and Economic Development Savings Proposals

·  Transport Savings Proposals


Panel members asked the following questions and raised the following points:

(Officer responses shown in italics)


Councillor Born stated that she was concerned about the impact on fly tipping if charging for building materials is introduced at the tip. The officer explained that benchmarking has been done and she is confident that it can work. It will be kept under review.


Councillor Bromley asked how we reduce reliance on commercial income. The Cabinet Member for Resources, Councillor Samuel explained that this would be a gradual process. We do not get the revenue support grant anymore, the system is based on rates which has been hugely affected by the pandemic. We receive income through Heritage (Roman Baths) but the pandemic has also affected this income. We need to reduce reliance on this and get the property estate to perform.


Councillor Grant Johnson asked the following questions:


·  Where has the increase in income in the waste and fleet operation come from? The officer explained that the team operates on a commercial basis and works with neighbouring authorities. There is a lot of experience within the team. We have put forward the savings – this will be monitored.

·  How is a reduction in plant maintenance possible? The officer explained that there is always a bit of tolerance, there is experience within the team. We will review this on a regular basis.


Councillor Craig asked about the waste depot and if finding an alternative solution for the residents of Bath city centre, many of whom do not own a car, has been taken into account. The officer explained that this work is underway. Councillor Walker asked about the early morning and late evening suggestion. The officer responded that this was based on modelling – it will allow for more efficient routes if the day is lengthened. In response to a query from Councillor Walker about the effect on elderly people, the officer responded that impact assessments will be carried out.


Councillor Davies commended the Cabinet Members and officers that work on net zero has not been cut despite incredibly difficult circumstances.


Community Services (slide)


Councillor Crossley updated the panel that the Urban Gulls issues has been deferred to 2022/23. A meeting with Government will look at piloting a license.


Councillor Johnson asked if the same level of service, which is higher than neighbouring authorities, will continue regarding Parks and Bereavement. Can the level of service be maintained with a staffing reduction. The officer reassured the panel that the aim is to continue to provide the level of service.


In response to a query from Councillor Walker regarding Entry Hill, Councillor Crossley (Cabinet Member) explained that the tender process finishes this week and a report will been considered by Cabinet on 11th February.


Housing, Planning and Economic Development (slide)


No questions


Transport (slide)


Councillor Hirst asked the following questions:


·  Regarding the proposed savings on inspection gangs – can this be mitigated by encouraging community reporting? The officer explained that there would be a promotion of ‘Fix my street’ App and other ways of reporting. There may be an impact on complaints.


·  Will pay and display machine be replaced with an App? Councillor O Brien added that she had concerns about removing credit card payments in car parks as we have many visitors to the area.


Officer to get a more information on this to the panel. (The following information was sent to the panel after the meeting: The removal of credit card payments within the car parks has been considered based on usage statistics, convenience and national trends. Current statistics suggest that 84% of population own a smartphone (with much higher rates in all age categories under 55) and over 95% of the population has access to a basic mobile phone. As the MiPermit cashless parking service offers payment by telephone and text as well as the App we are confident that a great majority of users will be able to access the system. Cash will continue to be offered in many locations for those who chose not to pay by mobile or App.


·  Regarding coach parking at Oddown – there will be an impact on traffic on Wellsway? Officer to get a note on this to the panel.

(The following information was sent to the panel after the meeting: The removal of use of the Weston Island site for coach parking will have a negligible impact on the amount of coach traffic going to Odd Down Park and Ride site during the majority of the year. However, this impact will be larger during the peak periods such as the Christmas Market period where the numbers of coaches coming into the city is higher.)


·  Could there be unintended consequences of a reduction of security in car parks? Councillor Johnson added that he was also concerned about security in car parks, we encourage the use of Park and Ride and we do not want to jeopardize this.


Officer to get a note on this to the panel. (The following information was sent to the panel after the meeting: The Park & Ride security contracts specified currently provide an opening and closing service for the main entrances of the Lansdown and Odd Down Park and Ride sites between 9pm and 5am. The Park & Ride service does not prevent entry of the site before this time of closure or exit from the site post the closure time and as such is deemed not to provide value for money. Further consideration of the long term overnight security of these sites will be undertaken and business cases developed as appropriate.


After consideration and analysis the car park patrol is considered to provide limited value and deterrent to ASB and community issues raised are better served by the response of the Police who have powers to deal with the issues on the spot or through their wider powers.)


·  What is the latest situation regarding Terrace Walk? The officer explained that staff marshalling was cancelled during the pandemic. We may have to review this as things start re-opening.


Councillor Craig stated that she was concerned about maintenance savings regarding flood and drainage issues and stated that ‘Fix my street’ did not always give a quick response. The officer explained that any emergency flooding issues would be dealt with.


Councillor O Brien asked the following questions:


·  Are new developments not going to be adopted? The officer explained that there are a series of assets that we traditionally maintain, we are being stricter about what we maintain.

·  Is gulley emptying being reduced or just the inspections? The officer confirmed the reduction applies to inspections.


Councillor Johnson stated that a lot of working hours are going adrift – who is picking up these hours and what about the stress that falls on others. The officer explained that the Council is conscious of the impact on other staff. There has been consultation. This is a fair point but we are comfortable that we have covered this. We will review the impacts. We have systems in place.


Annex 3 (a)


Councillor O Brien asked what the £900k capital expenditure under Climate Emergency 2021/22 refers to and where the funding for the implementation of LTN would be - in Climate emergency or Transport- as it wasn’t highlighted in the capital spend figures shown.The officer explained that this was primarily for energy schemes not transport schemes. Regarding the Renewal Energy Development Fund, this is about working with communities to enable schemes.


Councillor Johnson asked about tree planting – more detail on streams of funding - Officer to get a note on this to the panel.

(The following information was sent to the panel after the meeting:  £60k Tree and Woodland Strategy + £75k from CIL (One off)).