Agenda item
Chair's Update
To receive an update from the Chair to include:
· Skate park
· Tennis courts
· Café lease
· Community garden
· Appointment of independent member
· 10-year plan
· Community engagement model
The Chair gave an update on the following matters:
(a) Skatepark
The skatepark has been constructed but some additional work still needs to be completed, including landscaping, other cosmetic work and the provision of permanent fencing between the skatepark and the sandpit. The area is currently fenced off as the skatepark is not yet open to the public.
(b) Tennis Courts
The legal process to approve the lease has been concluded. However, due to the impact of Covid-19, the Council’s tennis concession had not been tendered.. The project needs to be completed within 2 years to avoid having to go back to the Charity Commission for further approval (there are around 18 months remaining).
The Chair agreed to contact the Head of Leisure and Projects Development to clarify the position regarding the tennis courts.
(c) Café Lease
The formal legal agreement has now been completed. The former leaseholder now has a new lease and both parties are happy with the new agreement. The Chair congratulated Tony Hickman and his team and thanked them for all they have done to enhance the park and to provide such an excellent facility for the local community.
(d) Community Garden
The Chair reported that a request has been received to carry out some improvements at the entrance to the community garden. Some funding has been secured for this work and there will be no cost to the Trust. Improvements will be made to the gate, and some hedging will be provided. This will improve the area and will provide a better connection to the wooden structure already in place. The use of the wooden structure by community groups could also generate a small income for the Trust. The area will remain available to the local community. The Sub-Committee supported this proposal.
The Chair agreed to ask the volunteers who run the community garden to contact the B&NES Council Parks Team to discuss future maintenance of the hedge.
(e) Independent Member Vacancy
The vacancy for an independent member of the Alice Park Trust Sub-Committee has been advertised. Interviews will shortly be arranged, and it is hoped that a new member will be appointed before the next meeting.
(f) 10-Year Plan
The Council currently gives an annual grant to the Alice Park Trust to support its running costs. However, in the current economic climate, it is important for the Trust to become more self-sufficient so that the amount of subsidy provided by the Council can decrease over time. It was agreed that the sub-committee should set out a 10-year plan to increase revenue opportunities for the park. The agreement of a new café lease will help towards this. A rate card is in place to charge commercial users of the park a small fee when carrying out their activities. This has raised about £1,800 so far and it is hoped that this will increase in the future. Most commercial users have responded positively to this approach. It would be helpful to find someone who could take on the booking process for events in the park before the summer activities begin.
(g) Community Engagement Plan
Members supported the proposal for the Trust to develop a community engagement plan and noted that more discussion on this was required outside of a formal meeting environment. Graham Page suggested that the creation of a “Friends of Alice Park” group should also be explored.
RESOLVED: To arrange a workshop to discuss the scope and objectives for both a community engagement plan and a 10-year business plan for the Trust.