Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Kevin Guy, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services addressed the Panel, a summary of the update is set out below.


All schools have opened for all pupils in B&NES. Schools have completed necessary risk assessments and are working through new ways of delivering education to minimise COVID 19 infections.


Attendance rates are looking very positive, with schools seeing pupils return as expected. Maintained schools are seeing attendance rates between 94-98%. The LA will be analysing data for all schools across the authority later this week.


He wished to thank all parties involved for their work on the re-opening of schools. 


The LA has been producing a newsletter for all schools with relevant information on government guidance and how to access services to support vulnerable children. Additionally, the LA has provided schools with a Transition document designed to support children’s wellbeing and mental health.


Children’s Social Care has set up a dedicated helpline for schools to enable them to access advice & support from a social worker during the period of 12.30-1.30 every day. They have provided a “Business Card” detailing contact information together with a poster. This has been in place since 07/09.


The LA believes it has resolved most issues for the transportation of children to school. This also includes replacing public bus routes for some schools to deliver dedicated transport. Schools are being encouraged to ask parents to encourage walking and cycling to school where possible.


Public Health England SW have delivered a rolling programme of webinars for schools on managing an outbreak based on PHE’s notification pathway for education and childcare settings which have been widely promoted to all schools. This will include a large exercise later this month with local schools to go through scenarios on how to manage an outbreak


Children’s Social Care have considered the revised Ofsted Guidance and have increased preparation for a possible Ofsted visit in the period September to December 2020


The Youth Offending Service have also increased their preparation for YOS Inspection as 2 local neighbouring LA’s - North Somerset and South Gloucestershire are being inspected in September 2020.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if there were protocols in place for schools should they have confirmed Covid-19 cases.


The Director of Education, Inclusion and Children’s Safeguarding replied that all schools have received advice and a flow chart has been devised should cases occur. He said that actions may be dependant on which school year the cases are within. He added that in general terms the school should inform the Health Protection Team, Children’s Services and all relevant parents.


He informed the Panel that a meeting of Operation Buzzard was planned for 25th September where schools across the area were due to meet to discuss the current measures / guidance in place.


Kevin Burnett asked if any schools were having to share transport facilities at the present time.


Councillor Guy replied that the Local Authority is only responsible for a small number pupils in this regard and that a number of schools have been responsible for organising their own transport. He added that a letter was to be distributed soon to remind pupils not to congregate either on the way to or from school and to wear face masks where required.


Kevin Burnett commented that he was concerned at the lack of testing available for school staff and asked how much input the Council has on this process.


Councillor Guy offered to reply with more detail in writing, but said that he did obviously feel sorry for any members of staff that were waiting to be tested.


Councillor Jess David asked what Councillors can do to support the work behind active travel to schools.


Councillor Guy replied that he had heard that a number of schools were not allowing bicycles to be brought to school. He said that he would address them on this matter. He added that he was willing to contact WECA if any funding was required to help find a positive solution.


Councillor Rob Appleyard, Cabinet Member for Adult Services addressed the Panel, a summary of the update is set out below.


He explained that the Director of Public Health would be addressing them later to give them an update on Covid-19. He said that there had recently been a slight rise in the number of tests carried out within Care Homes and that this was in line with a rise generally in the South West. He added that as a result of this visits had been stopped for a number of weeks.


He stated that mobile testing units were in place at Paulton Football Club and Odd Down Park & Ride and that the Council was awaiting sign off from Government for a central walk-in centre to carry out tests.


He congratulated everybody who has been involved in the work of the Compassionate Communities Hub as it has been such a successful initiative that has seen local communities work together on many projects, especially in North East Somerset. He said that the Hub had enabled food parcels and frozen meals to be delivered across the area and had also seen medicine pick ups carried out as well as the distribution of hearing aid batteries.


He acknowledged that Mike Bowden, former Corporate Director, had left the Council and thanked him for his many years of service. He informed the Panel that Lesley Hutchinson was now the Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning.


He explained to the Panel that Kirsty Matthews would be leaving Virgin Care on 18th November 2020 and thanked her for her honesty throughout the time with the organisation.


The Chairman commented that local communities had excelled in the past few months. He added that he was confident in the guidance that Lesley Hutchinson would provide in her role. He said that he respected the role Kirsty Matthews has played in delivering not only transformational change through ‘your care, your way’ but improvement in all of our services.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that despite local mobile testing units in place she had been told by residents that they are still being sent further away to be tested. She asked if there were sufficient resources at the sites and whether results were being returned in a timely manner.


Councillor Appleyard replied that unfortunately B&NES was not alone in these problems and that there appeared to be a specific problem in receiving a QR code. With regard to results he said that he believed there was an issue relating to the chemicals required for this part of the process.


He urged members of the public to only be tested if they have symptoms and not just to have one for peace of mind.


The Chairman thanked both Cabinet Members for their updates on behalf of the Panel.