Agenda item
Transport and COVID response
- Meeting of Climate Emergency and Sustainability Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, Monday, 16th November, 2020 4.00 pm (Item 80.)
- View the background to item 80.
A report is attached.
Paul Garrod, Traffic Management and Network Manager introduced the report and gave a presentation which covered the following:
· Public Transport
· Traffic Volumes
· Parking
· Emergency Active Travel Fund
Tranche 1 – schemes implemented
Other measures
Tranche 2 bid
· E-Scooter trial
Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions. Officer responses are shown in italics.
Councillor Davies raised the following points. Officer response shown in italics.
· Have you been able to learn anything with regard to data on cycling. We will be analysing a couple sites shortly and are hoping to put in more cycle counters but at present, we do not have a lot of information on this. We hope to get some before and after data around the permanent schemes.
· Regarding Liveable Neighbourhoods – when are ward Councillors likely to be asked to submit local schemes. The strategy will be considered by Cabinet before the end of the year so, if it is adopted, ward members will be contacted in the new year.
Councillor Joanna Wright (Cabinet Member Transport) thanked the officers for their work. She explained that WECA has some cycling data based on Bristol. She agreed that we could do more regarding cycling information. Regarding Liveable Neighbourhoods, she explained that this is due to be considered by the Cabinet on 10th December 2020. If adopted there will be proformas for ward members and we will work, along with others such as the police, emergency services, waste services etc, to find solutions.
Councillor Born raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics.
· I am concerned to see that the Park and Ride usage has reduced. Are we considering cycle and scooter hire at Park and Ride sites? There has been a drop in usage, during this second lockdown, we have not stopped parking charges. Regarding cycle and scooter hire in Park and Ride sites, we would need good infrastructure and facilities for this. The Riverside Path from Newbridge Park and Ride is accessible but not ideal for social distancing.
· Also concerns about the reduction in bus use. The Government is subsidising bus services at present, but I have concerns about what will happen if this is not sustained, especially with regard to rural services. Councillor Neil Butters (Cabinet Member Transport) stated that no bus operator in the country can make a profit – the Department for Transport (DfT) are supporting bus and rail. It is thought that bus use will settle at around 80% of normal use. When the support grants stop, there will be a co-ordinated effort by the DfT to get people back on buses.
· Is there any early feedback regarding the e-scooters – how about potholes? Councillor Joanna Wright (Cabinet Member Transport) stated that she would follow this up.
Councillor Hirst thanked the officers for their work in such challenging times. He stated that he supports growing the cycle journey information. He added that there needs to be a leap in investment regarding the cycle infrastructure. He noted the delay in response from the Government regarding bids.
Councillor Joanna Wright (Cabinet Member Transport) stated that the LTN20 documents are a game changer at the top of government. David Trethewey, Director of Partnerships and Corporate Services added that responsibility for delivery always lies with local government and this is coming together.
The Panel RESOLVED to note the update.
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