Agenda item
Cllr Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services, reported that a number of Town and Parish Councils have now declared a climate emergency. A great deal of progress has been made on climate issues and Cllr Warren has been made aware of a school’s climate emergency network which shares good practice in this area. She asked Parishes who have declared a climate emergency whether they think this type of network would be helpful to enable them to share ideas. She had planned to hold a large event at the Guildhall to discuss climate change but, due to the Covid-19 crisis she has held a number of webinars instead which have been very helpful. There are a number of excellent groups and ideas in the area such as the “share and repair” groups. It is now important to identify the relevant learning points and take this project forward.
Jane Wildblood, Corporate and Community Sustainability Manager, reported on the following issues:
· The programme of work regarding the climate emergency is now getting back on track and there will be an update to the Parish Council toolkit on climate emergency. The community conversations have been very helpful.
· Covid-19 has had a negative impact on communities in terms of the local economy, travel and leisure. However, there have been some positive outcomes such as people cycling and walking more. It is now important to provide a programme of recovery and renewal.
· The renewal vision includes plans for a green recovery and will have the potential for action.
· This will be important to achieve the new vision for 2030 of becoming carbon neutral. One example of ways to achieve this is the provision of the “Green Homes Grant” which aims to make homes more energy efficient. This will also provide jobs which will help the economy.
· It is also important to shorten food supply chains and to provide food locally.
· Further webinars regarding the green renewal vision will take place.
· There will also be further engagement with the Community Forums to explain what the renewal vision means at parish level.
Peter Capener, Managing Director of Bath and West Community Energy (BWCE), gave a presentation covering the following issues:
· A brief outline of the Bath and West Community Energy not-for-profit organisation, including achievements to date and staffing information.
· How the organisation can help local community renewable energy projects. Local community groups close to BWCE get priority when applying for grants to its independent community fund.
· It is important to retain more funding to be spent in the B&NES area.
· The organisation offers a different way of doing business and aims to support local people.
· BWCE are committed to supporting Town and Parish Councils respond effectively to the climate emergency
· As a community enterprise it needs to manage its resources and match what it can offer to local needs
· It aims to develop a programme of work with all interested councils over the next few years
· It can provide a balance of free and funded support
· If Parish Councils are interested they can get in touch with Nick Bird on
A copy of the presentation slides is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
In response to a question Peter Capener explained that BCWE is a financially sustainable business which monitors its growth along with the number and range of its projects. The organisation can offer a wide range of experience and expertise.