Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Rob Appleyard, Cabinet Member for Adult Services addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.




The Covid pandemic has been a challenging time for everybody. I would like to take this opportunity to acknowledge again the brilliant efforts of the many individual staff and partner organisations across the Council, NHS, Third Sector, Virgin Care, and many more, who have gone the extra mile and worked tirelessly to respond to the unprecedented and rapidly changing circumstances in which the world has found itself. The work of Recovery and Renewal is now proceeding and we need to consider how we can continue to work together to sustain some of the positive initiatives, like the Compassionate Communities Hub, which has provided help to many people in a time of need.


Local Outbreak Management Plan


As we move into the next phase of the response to Covid, it has been important to agree a plan for the way in which any outbreaks will be managed locally. The development of this plan has been led by Dr Bruce Laurence, Director of Public Health and I was pleased to endorse it both through the Health & Wellbeing Board and Cabinet.


Care and Support Charging and Financial Assessment Framework


This framework, which was approved by Council as part of the budget-setting process in February, has been implemented since the panel last met. Whilst there have of course been some queries along the way, I am pleased to say it has largely gone very smoothly and I would like to reiterate my thanks to officers involved in what has been a massive piece of work ‘behind the scenes’.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson asked for the contribution that independent pharmacies have made during the pandemic to be noted.


Councillor Appleyard replied that it should indeed be noted and that he was aware of their work through the Compassionate Communities Hub.


Councillor Jess David asked if the Council were preparing yet for the upcoming Winter challenges alongside tackling the problems of Covid.


Councillor Appleyard replied that the Council will not be complacent and that he felt that the Winter pressures could come in a different form to normal. He added that he has already made enquiries regarding stocks of PPE for Care Homes and Hospitals.


Councillor Michelle O’Doherty asked if adequate Covid testing was taking place within our care homes.  She also asked if the Council was sure that nobody was now being discharged from hospital to our care homes without being tested first.

Councillor Appleyard replied that he believed that testing was taking place in care homes and in hospitals prior to being discharged to a care home. He added that he would seek confirmation on that.


The Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning added that she understood that care home patients were tested for the virus every 28 days and that staff were tested weekly. She said that care homes could approach the CCG / Council if they need further PPE.


The Panel were informed subsequently that individuals coming out of hospital and into care homes are being tested and it is recorded by the Trusted Assessor – the Trusted Assessor is the person employed to assess people and share their needs with the care homes so that the care homes don’t need to assess themselves. They trust the assessment.


With regard to individuals in care homes 65+ being tested – consent is required from staff and residents, so it is not compulsory it is voluntary but is encouraged. For people who lack capacity the MCA needs to be complied with.


Councillor Appleyard wished to thank the Public Health Team for securing a mobile Covid testing facility for two weeks that had on average carried out 100 tests a day.


The Chair agreed and himself congratulated all who have been involved in our local services and residents for their work and the way they have responded to the pandemic.


Councillor Paul May asked for the Director of Public Health to attend the next meeting of the Panel so that information can be shared about preparations for a possible second wave and other matters.


The Panel agreed with this proposal.


Councillor Kevin Guy, Cabinet Member for Children’s Services addressed the Panel. A copy of the update can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.




I would like to acknowledge the way in which children, young people and their families have responded to the enforced change of daily routine and educational experience that has been necessary as a result of Covid. Schools and Early Years settings have adapted brilliantly to the evolving situation and our own teams have found new ways of working, such as introducing a rotating social care duty arrangement, expansion of the role of the virtual school to support a much wider group of vulnerable children to continue to engage in education (we have seen good attendance rates for eligible pupils during Covid) and the rapid roll out of on-line music lessons.


Partnership working


While we have had to make some very tough decisions to recover our financial position due to the impact of Covid-19 we have also worked hard on some innovative solutions with many partners.


We commission services from a range of charities and organisations to support vulnerable children and young people and the financial recovery plan agreed by Cabinet included a reduction in the amounts available for some of these services. I am delighted that the St John's Foundation has agreed in principle to use its resources to benefit vulnerable children who might have been affected by these reductions. This support will be formalised with the relevant providers and will form part of the wider work, which St Johns will be implementing in Bath and North East Somerset as part of its recently-launched Foundation Fund to ensure we continue to protect and support children and young people in our community.


Young People’s webinar


I was delighted to join a webinar with the Leader, Chief Executive and some of our Directors last Monday, where a panel of young people shared their experiences and views on lockdown and some of their priorities for moving forward. It is important for us to hear the voices of our younger residents and we need to make sure we are responding to the issues that they raise and that we continue to listen.


Councillor Paul May asked what role Schools were playing in supporting our disadvantaged communities and if Academies in the area had enough PPE.


Councillor Guy replied that he believed local Academies were seeking help from Council officers and the Government directly with regard to PPE. He added that he felt that local schools were doing a fantastic job to support all their respective communities. He added that approaches will differ in some respects from site to site but that each will try carry out the guidance given as best they can.


The Director of Education, Inclusion and Children’s Safeguarding added that there will be some funding from the Government given to all schools to assist with helping pupils catch up on their learning. He said that work was continuing with all Schools and Academies to open as normally as possible from September.


Kevin Burnett asked if any further comment could be given on the impact the current situation will have on Commissioned Services.


Councillor Guy replied that the Council was awaiting the Board of the St John's Foundation to formally approve the list of services that was proposed to them. He added that he would share that information with the Panel once it had been confirmed.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson commented that she was aware that in some cases locally a family’s access to learning through the internet was only via a parent’s mobile phone. She added that she was concerned that pupils from Radstock that attend Kilmersdon School in Mendip have received no form of education since lockdown and said that it appeared unlikely to reopen in September and asked what could be done to help those pupils.


The Director of Education, Inclusion and Children’s Safeguarding replied that he was aware that educational packs had been prepared where required within our maintained schools for those pupils without adequate internet access. He added that he would follow up to find out further information in relation to local pupils attending Kilmersdon School.


Councillor Jackson asked how Youth Services were keeping in touch with vulnerable young people and children.


The Director for Children & Young People replied that Youth Services were continuing in a number of hot spot areas to try to respond to local needs. She added that she was aware that the Connecting Families team were working on securing grants for IT equipment.


Councillor Jackson asked what face-to-face contact has been able to continue during the crisis and what are the priorities for Children’s Centres moving forward.


The Director for Children & Young People replied that Children’s Centres had remained open for the entire period and has carried face-to-face meetings either via Zoom or doorstep visits. She added that online courses are being promoted to those that are able alongside health programmes and parent drop-in sessions. She said that she felt that priorities were still with responding to and adapting to the ongoing crisis and facilitating the provision of food parcels for those families struggling with food poverty.


The Chair asked how have young people engaged with some of the new approaches.


The Director for Children & Young People replied that Social Workers have continued to work with all families with a small number of them being based in the office. She said that the majority of young people have embraced the use of technology such as Zoom / WhatsApp and that the work of the Virtual School has been invaluable.


Kevin Burnett asked if any information relating to topics discussed at the Young People’s webinar could be shared with the Panel.


The Director for Children & Young People replied that topics such as Mental Health, Transport, Attainment Gaps, Curriculum and Slavery were discussed. She said that the plan was to continue with these webinars where possible.


The Director of Adult Social Care, Complex and Specialist Commissioning said that a new Children & Young People’s Plan was being developed and that this would be brought to the Panel in due course.

The Chairman thanked Councillor Appleyard and Councillor Guy for their updates on behalf of the Panel and the officers for assisting with replies to questions raised by the Panel.