Agenda item



The Investment Manager presented the report.


She said that transition was on track. The Emerging Markets transition was now under way. The manager selection for the Global High Alpha Equity was nearing its conclusion, and it was expected that information would be received next week about what that portfolio would look like. Work on the passive Global Sustainable Equities portfolio had begun. Avon is very interested in this portfolio, because the existing mandate with Jupiter should map into it very well. It is hoped that the scoping paper for it will be received within the next few weeks, and that by the time of the Strategic Review it will be sufficiently developed for a judgement to be made as to whether it is a potential solution for Avon. Brunel continues to draw down for Secured Income and Renewable Infrastructure.


A Member noted that paragraph 6.1 of the covering report stated that the Fund’s strategic allocation to Low Carbon Equities and renewable energy addressed the financial risk to the Fund’s assets from climate change rather than a strategy to address the risk itself. Officers agreed to amend the wording.


Before discussing the exempt appendices to this report, the Panel, having been satisfied that the public interest would be better served by not disclosing relevant information, RESOLVED that the public should be excluded for the remainder of this item and that the reporting of this part of the meeting should be prevented, in accordance with the provisions of section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, because of the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in paragraph 3 of Schedule 12A of the Act as amended.


After the discussion had been completed, the Panel returned to open session and RESOLVED:


  1. to note the progress made on pooling of assets;


  1. to note the project plan for the transition of assets.


Supporting documents: