Agenda item

Revenue and Capital Budget Monitoring, Cash Limits and Virements - April 2019 to December 2019

This report presents the financial monitoring information for the Authority as a whole for the financial year 2019/20 to the end of December 2019.


Councillor Richard Samuel introduced this item and explained that a good start had been made on his objective to have a closer fit between capital planning and expenditure so that budgets will balance at year end and there will be no need for draw down.


On a motion from Councillor Richard Samuel, seconded by Councillor


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed:


1.  To note the 2019/20 on budget position (as at the end of December 2019).


2.  To approve the revenue virements listed for approval in Appendix 3(i) and to note those virements listed for information only.


3.  To note the capital year-end forecast detailed in paragraph 3.14 of this report;


4.  To note the changes in the capital programme including capital schemes that have been agreed for full approval under delegation listed in Appendix 4(i);


5.  To remove from the Provisional Capital Programme schemes of £6.663m, detailed in Appendix 4(iii), to align to current delivery expectation.

Supporting documents: