Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



Councillor Rob Appleyard addressed the Panel, a copy of the update can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.


Children of Alcoholics (NACOA response)


The previous Children’s PDS Panel received a comprehensive report from officers regarding local support available for children of alcoholics, following a Full Council resolution referring the matter to the Panel. The outstanding action to be completed was reporting back on comments from the National Association for the Children of Alcoholics (NACOA), who had been sent the report. Those comments have subsequently been received from Hilary Henriques, CEO, who says that ‘in my opinion it addresses the needs of children of alcoholics and services they are likely to access.’


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that she was pleased the work had received such a good response and that a series of policies were in place.


Post 16 unregulated placements


Our aspiration in B&NES is that no young person/child will be placed in 16+ unregulated placements. Until 5 or 6 years ago, it was unheard of, but it is now an option we have to consider due to changes in the market, linked to changes in Ofsted regulations, as well as the need to think creatively to identify suitable care packages for young people with complex needs, in line with their own expressed preferences. This is both a local and national shift. We hold a list of ‘preferred providers’ who have been pre-assessed as suitable. Where such a placement is made, it will always be subject to a risk assessment relating to the placement and an agreed package of support; with providers subject to contract review meetings and annual safeguarding audit; as well as regular social worker visits and Looked After Children reviews in line with statutory guidance. There are currently 8 young people from B&NES in such placements and they are all being offered a visit from the Cabinet Member as part of their next planned review.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked for further explanation on what is an unregulated placement.


The Corporate Director (People) replied that it is not a registered Children’s Home as inspected or regulated by Ofsted. He added that a provider can provide accommodation for young people over the age of 16 who require a lower level of support without registration.


Councillor Andy Wait said that he supported this option as young people should be given the chance of more independence where relevant. He asked if it were hard to find such places.


The Corporate Director (People) replied that the Council has access to around 100 preferred providers and that the challenge remains to find the right placement for the young person in question.


The Chair asked if it was appropriate for the Cabinet Member to take part in the reviews.


The Corporate Director (People) replied that the Cabinet Member has a role as a Corporate Parent as do all Councillors to seek assurance on behalf of the Council. He added that it is part of a planned review for those young people and that they can decline the offer.


Government funding for education and schools


The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services has written to the secretary of state regarding the funding pressure in the education system, both relating to funding for schools and the High Needs block which supports children with SEND and where we have experienced significant pressure in the last few years. He has offered to provide further evidence of these pressures and to meet with ministers to discuss this crucial issue.


Councillor Paul May said that he supported this work on such a major national and local issue.


SEND inspection


On 13th May, Ofsted and CQC published their report letter on the inspection of Bath and North East Somerset, carried out in March, to judge the effectiveness of the area in implementing the disability and special educational needs (SEN) reforms as set out in the Children and Families Act 2014. The report has been described as one of the most positive published so far, nationally, and the main findings are attached to this report for information.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that it was noted that some parents do find accessing the information difficult.


The Corporate Director (People) replied that there are a number of things to work on and that work with parent groups will continue. He added that the Rainbow Resources have been available for a long time.


Exploitation and Contextual Safeguarding


Following the development of a Local Safeguarding Children Board ‘Youth @ Risk’ strategy, there is a stakeholder launch event on the 30th September, which Panel members might be interested to attend.


Forthcoming briefings and consultations in Adult Services


The Mental Capacity (Amendment) Act 2019 gained royal assent at the end of April and as a result we expect national consultation in the autumn on a new Code of Practice which details how Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) will be replaced by Liberty Protection Safeguards (LPS) from 2020. Further briefings can be brought to Panel in due course.


The Director for Safeguarding & Quality Assurance added that implementation was expected in October 2020 and that a report to the Panel regarding the legislation could be submitted to a future meeting.


Councillor Appleyard said that we will also be consulting locally on updates to the Care and Support Financial Framework, which has not been reviewed since the introduction of the Care Act in 2015 and which are intended to provide transparency, equity and consistency in how residents are charged in respect of contributions to their care and support.


He stated that he would like to submit the CCG update paper on their behalf.


The Panel accepted that sections 2 – 5 of the update paper could be submitted, this can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes.


Councillor Appleyard informed the Panel that the Autism Partnership Board is to be re-enacted.


Councillor Paul May asked that the Terms of Reference and membership of the Board be shared with the Panel.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if any information could be provided regarding a proposal for an Autistic School locally.


The Corporate Director (People) replied that conversations about potential new Special Schools were ongoing.


Councillor Paul May asked if the Autism Partnership Board would cover both children and adults.


Councillor Appleyard replied that it would.


The Chair thanked the Cabinet Member for his update on behalf of the Panel.