Agenda item

Climate Emergency Action Plan

A report is attached. There will be a presentation at the meeting.


The Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency, Councillor Sarah Warren introduced the item. The Corporate and Community Sustainability Manager, Jane Wildblood, gave a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  Action Plan Update

·  Corporate Strategy

·  Report – key actions update

·  Citizens engagement programme

·  Strategy and plan reviews

·  Recommendations


Panel members asked the following questions and raised the following points:


Councillor Born raised the following points. Officer and Cabinet Member responses are shown in italics.


·  Could retrofitting could be brought forward and maybe progressed from the draft guidance stage. The Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Economic Development explained that consultation on the development plan starts in November which is ten months away and quick in planning terms. The process must be followed.


·  The Parish Council tool kit is excellent, could it be adapted for Bath residents’ associations. The officer agreed that the tool kit could be adapted as suggested.


·  Could we produce some guidance for householders setting out practical steps. The officer explained that this is in hand and the guide will be similar to the ’50 things you can do’ guide which has been publicised in the press.


Councillor Hirst raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics.


·  Are there any quick wins as it can be useful to be able to point to practical steps we are taking. The officer explained that some things have been done already such as LED street lighting and the Civic Centre in Keynsham. Also, we are supporting Bath and West Community Energy. We have a small team compared to other local authorities so we will do our best with the resources we have.

·  Regarding the list of policies, can we create a timeline and do the policies come through this Panel for review or go to separate places. The officer explained that the Panel could look at the policies.

·  There is a deficit regarding the Bath Area Forum, we have to fill that void. We must keep working to engage the whole of BANES.

·  Supportive of a citizen’s jury regarding retrofitting.


Councillor Johnson raised the following points. Officer responses are shown in italics.

·  A task and finish group would be better than a single day event. Members could get more involved.

·  Could the Parish Council tool kits be adapted for businesses too. Sometimes businesses need a nudge.

·  The tool kit is available online but a lot of people still struggle to find things online, a lot of people will not prioritise this unless something is put in front of them. Councillor Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency explained that she working with the Communications department to review how information can be accessed so they could consider paper copies.


Councillor O Brien raised the following points:


·  Retrofitting should be the priority as that is where most carbon emissions come from. There is a company that provides low ratio loans for people to carry out the work needed, the Council could look into this too.

·  Solar panels can be problematic because of home ownership, the authority could ‘rent’ roofs to put solar panels on and the residents could receive a reduced energy rate. People respond where they can see a benefit or save money. Councillor Walker supported the idea of giving people a cash incentive and agreed that renting roofs was a great idea.

·  Windfarms are controversial so maybe we should concentrate on using what we have already which is roofs (including schools).


The officer responded that she loved the ideas and will be looking at the best financing options. She stressed the need for a community response rather than individual, piecemeal response.


Councillor Davies thanked the officers and the Cabinet Member. He stated that it would be good if residents could see the action plan, a lot has been done and people do not always join the dots. Things such as the Clean Air Zone and recycling are all related to the climate emergency. The action plan is full – it would be good to come up with a brand such as ‘tackling the climate emergency’ which we can use to show which projects are helping towards this. Maybe stickers with a logo or phrase – people can then see the things that are being done towards the goal. The officer responded that this is on the agenda and work is being done with Communications and Marketing on a design.


Councillor Bromley stated that it is good to have incentives for people who are time poor and busy.


Councillor Dr Kumar stated that the Council should improve facilities for online meetings. He stated that dissemination of online information on climate change is vital.


In response to a question from Councillor Walker, the officer explained that she is working with the housing team to help people in fuel poverty as any retrofitting scheme must take people on low income into account.

Councillor Walker asked if the officer could speak to the local authority for Cornwall to ask how they dealt with objections regarding wind turbines. The officer explained that she is sharing information on this, she explained that where there is community ownership regarding wind turbines – they are accepted. Also, a national survey has shown the 85% of the population are ok with wind turbines so there may not be as much resistance as anticipated.


It was RESOLVED that:


1.  The Panel play a role in the alignment of all the Council’s strategies and plans where possible;


2.  Support the setting up of a task and finish group to investigate housing and retrofitting.



Supporting documents: