Agenda item
The Cabinet for Bath and North East Somerset Council will provide a short briefing on their new Cabinet roles, responsibilities and priorities.
The new Cabinet members introduced themselves and spoke about their portfolios.
(a) Cllr Dine Romero – Council Leader
Cllr Romero stated that she very much valued the relationship between B&NES Council and the Parish Councils and wanted to listen to their concerns and to engage with them in a constructive way. She had already met with the parish representatives from ALCA to set this agenda and the discussions had been very positive.
Cllr Romero said that the Council is also committed to improving community engagement for all citizens across the district, including exploring ways in which they might use citizens’ panels or similar. The Area Forums will be convening in the near future and a review of the Bath City Forum is currently underway.
(b) Cllr Richard Samuel – Cabinet Member for Resources and Deputy Leader
Cllr Samuel explained that he had overall responsibility for finance, property, IT, customer services, revenues and benefits and various other corporate services. The current financial climate appeared to be bleak resulting in funding challenges for local authorities.
Current issues relating to this portfolio included:
· Fair Funding Review - the Government is currently carrying out a review but no proposals had been put forward as yet.
· Business Rate Retention Scheme – this had led to a loss of £3.5m for B&NES.
· Social Care Funding – this was still a challenge as 80% of Council Tax income is spent on adult and children’s social care.
· Better Care Fund – there is currently no certainty around this funding after March 2020. Talks are ongoing and it is hoped that any outstanding issues will be resolved.
(c) Cllr Neil Butters and Joanna Wright – Cabinet Members for Transport Services
Cllr Butters explained that he held this role on a job share basis along with Cllr Joanna Wright. He informed the meeting that he had recently attended a special meeting of the Chew Valley Forum which had been held to discuss issues relating to roadworks and diversions in the area. This had been a positive meeting and a number of solutions had been identified including establishing some agreed diversion routes with parishes.
Cllr Wright stated that she had approached all B&NES Councillors to identify transport related issues in their areas. She is very committed to increasing walking and cycling in the area and to improving access to schools. If any parish representatives have any transport issues in their areas then she would be happy to visit them to discuss these.
(d) Cllr Kevin Guy – Cabinet Member for Children’s Services
Cllr Guy explained that he has written to the Government to demand better funding for schools. The Council has already used some of its reserves for SEND (special educational needs and disability) provision. He is keen to find out any particular issues in the local area and to speak with parish representatives to hear their concerns.
(e) Cllr Tim Ball – Cabinet Member for Housing, Planning and Economic Development
Cllr Ball explained that he is responsible for planning, housing and development including the Joint Strategic Plan and the Local Plan. He is keen to provide more affordable housing in the area and, in particular, to ensure that carbon neutral housing is developed. He also has responsibility for economic development throughout the area.
(f) Cllr Paul Crossley – Cabinet Member for Community Services
Cllr Crossley outlined his areas of responsibility which cover mainly non-statutory services. He acknowledged that a reduction in the Council’s grass cutting schemes has caused issues in parished areas. However, consideration has to be given to both cost saving and environmental/wildlife concerns. He is currently working with the Council’s Parks and Open Spaces team on plans for the forthcoming year and acknowledged that there are some areas where grass needs to be cut.
He also has responsibility for Bereavement Services - a competitive industry but a crucial service.
Parks is another important area of responsibility and he is keen to hear ideas for new ways to generate income for this service.
Heritage is another part of this portfolio which includes assets throughout the whole of Bath and North East Somerset. Cllr Crossley asked parishes to let him know if there are any heritage assets in their areas that are not being maintained.
(g) Cllr Rob Appleyard – Cabinet Member for Adult Services
Cllr Appleyard explained that he is responsible for adult services, safeguarding and public health – services which are largely statutory. The safeguarding element includes community safety. He is also responsible for the collaboration between the Council, B&NES CCG (Clinical Commissioning Group) and the RUH (Royal United Hospital). The CCG is being reorganised with three being merged (B&NES, Swindon and Wiltshire). He is a RUH governor which involves monitoring the hospital’s performance. Key themes for his portfolio are autism and dementia.
(h) Cllr Sarah Warren – Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency and Neighbourhood Services
Cllr Warren explained that she held this role on a job share basis along with Cllr David Wood. She is leading on the clean air zone proposals to ensure that legal levels are reached by 2021. Non-compliant HGVs, buses, taxis and vans will be charged to enter the zone. Any businesses or charities that will be impacted need to get in touch. There will be some financial assistance from Central Government and the Council will publish its full business case shortly.
B&NES is one of the Local Authorities that has declared a climate emergency and will work towards becoming carbon neutral by 2030. The Council has also objected to the Bristol Airport expansion on environmental grounds. The West of England Combined Authority has also now declared a climate emergency.
The Cabinet Members then responded to questions as follows:
· Cllr Ron Hopkins from Westfield Parish Council raised concerns regarding the lack of grass cutting in some areas, particularly in housing estates built in the 1970s and 1980s which have large communal grassed areas. The grass in some locations is 2-3 feet high and residents have been told they are not permitted to cut it themselves as they are not insured. In some areas the Council have said they were not responsible for cutting grass despite having maintained it for 27 years. He requested a meeting to discuss the Council’s grass cutting objectives.
· Batheaston Parish Council requested that B&NES Council make it clear which grass will be cut and which areas will not so that residents are aware.
· Cllr Crossley explained that the Council is no longer cutting the grass on land it does not own, including land owned by Curo. In some areas residents have asked if they can purchase the areas of land no longer being maintained by the Council which is being explored.
· Councillor Warren pointed out that climate change is also an issue which had to be taken into account when considering whether or not to cut grass in certain locations.
· Cllr Romero noted that it is important to manage expectations and stated that the concerns raised at the meeting would be looked into.