Agenda item
Climate Emergency
The forum is taking the opportunity to give the majority of this agenda to deal with the topic of climate emergency. This will be an opportunity to learn from groups that will be able to demonstrate some of the steps that are being taken locally and to encourage each individual to consider what contribution they are able to make.”
Bradford on Avon Town Council will be attending the forum to discuss what they have achieved since declaring a climate emergency in their local area. It is hoped that we will be able to inspire more local councils and communities to rise to this important challenge.
Councillor Sarah Warren, Cabinet Member for Climate Emergency for Bath and North East Somerset will be attending the meeting to take part in the discussions. There will also be an opportunity to also hear who Freshford School battled for agreement to fit solar panels and a discussion on rural transport issues
An open session will also be held during which residents will be given the opportunity to put questions to councillors and officers.
- Freshford School – 15 mins
- Galleries Solar Panels – 15 mins
- B&NES Council – 15 minutes
- Bradford on Avon Town Council – 20 mins
- Open Discussion – 15 mins
John Adler explained that he had chosen to bring the climate of Climate Emergency to the CAM Valley Forum to follow up on a number of things that have been happening around this topic locally.
John explained that a number of years ago he had been invited to a briefing held by the Department of the Environment which showed that the tipping point that we have now reach was coming. The reality is that climate change is happening now and we must act now.
Freshford Church School – Andrew Wishart, Headteacher
Andrew explained:
· Freshford Church School has been working on its Sustainable Solar Panels project to create a community legacy for the future of the children
· There have been key players in the community that have worked tirelessly to support the school
· The Sparks Points scheme has generated interest through the children at the school to see the visible cause and effect around saving energy.
· The school has taken an approach that holds common discussions that sees a change to the way of the pupils thinking. A developed structure and use of language makes the children find solutions to problems.
· The energy sparks website has seen that Freshford Church School has seen a high percentage drop in electric usage verses similar sized schools.
The film Freshford School Solar Project that was was shown can be viewed online using this link
DR asked how the School dealt with reaching some of the children who are harder to reach.
AW explained that the modelling that is used leads to the conditioning of all of the schools pupils. When children and questioned and given a task to take away they have a tendency to return with an answer or additional questions.
Galleries Shop Solar Panels – Gitte Dawson
Gitte explained how the project in Freshford had come about and the model that had been used for implementation of the scheme
The costing model within the local community was explained and how the power feeds into and is displayed within the local community shop
The full presentation will be available on the CAM Valley Forum web page
The question was asked, was a wind turbine considered?
Gitte explained that this option had been looked at but it was thought the village would object.
It was commented that consideration had been given for a wind turbine near Endsleigh. There had been objections to this by planners, locals and nimbies.
SW commented that a B&NES Council Officer has looked at the options for where viable options could exist. It is important that parishes get their intentions and options included within their neighbourhood plans.
For further information on this project Gitte Dawson can be contacted:
Bradford on Avon Town Council – Alex Kay
Alex Kay explained that on 5th March 2019, Bradford on Avon Town Council unanimously approved the Climate Emergency motion.
Alex shared a presentation that demonstrated what a Town with a population of 10,000 people can achieve and have been working on since March.
The full presentation will be available on the CAM Valley Forum web page
For further information please contact Alex Kay:
B&NES Rural Transport – Cllr David Orme
David explained that work is underway on how best to approach the variety of concerns that exist regarding rural transport provision across B&NES.
Regional transport transition now falls under WECA, previously in 2017 strategy documents were created for the Chew Valley and Somer Valley but nothing for the CAM Valley area.
Discussions have taken place and Cllr Neil Butters about how the future strategy will need to look.
Dave asked the meeting if they agreed that there needs to be something put in place for the CAM Valley?
The response was that there does need to be a strategy.
DR explained that she will be pushing WECA for a strategy for the whole of B&NES to be delivered within six months.
BANES Rural Transport Group (BRTG) Constitution, the Current BRTG membership and a copy of latest progress report against the Group’s
is available on the CAM Valley Forum web page
For further information please contact David Orme:
Closing Discussion and Questions
1. Foreign holidays are a big contributor to climate change, making a choice to stay in the UK rather than flying makes a difference.
An example was given that a business traveller who could contribute to the meeting could have taken part by telephone or webcasting, this option was not taken because there is still the belief by some people that they need to be present to network in person.
B&NES Council have agreed that they will oppose expansion of Bristol Airport.
There is a campaign that has been set up called Flight Free UK where you can pledge not to fly in 2020 -
2. It was pleasing to see that Climate Emergency was highlighted so well on the e-mail that communicated this meeting. There needs to be more of these actions to make the issue ever present when communications are sent around.
DR explained that the Council has introduced a section within our own decision making papers that asks for the impact on the climate emergency to be stated. This was one of the first things the new administration put in place.
3. There are ways that organisations can collaborate to accelerate the speed on the learning that we are all working on. There are examples such as the lights out campaigns, Weymouth litter picking nights and organisations like Transition Bath.
Closing Comments
John Adler summed up the evenings meeting with the following points:
· The discussions held tonight have been held to start widening the understanding that is needed in our communities.
· Where other parishes and organisations want to follow they need to be encouraged and helped.
· There will be a follow up meeting arranged by the Parish Council in Freshford.
· Where communities can work together on initiatives it is hoped a greater buy in will be achieved.
· We all need to work together supporting B&NES Council and pushing national government in achieving more.
· Businesses need help to gain a better understanding of what they can contribute.