Agenda item

Cabinet Member update

The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment – Councillor Mark Shelford reported on the following:


·  Thanks to officers for work and support.

·  The Subway (Widcombe ward) would be finished in time for the half marathon (17th March). He apologised to Councillor Gilchrist who reported that he had only heard of this in the last hour.



The Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhoods – Councillor Bob Goodman reported on the following:


·  Thanks to officers for work and support especially the officers working on the Clean Air Zone which was approved by the Cabinet on 5th March 2019.

·  Waste collections are improving.

·  Litter enforcement – 3GS started last week and are concentrating on education as well as enforcement. Cameras have been fitted in some vehicles.

·  Keynsham Leisure Centre improvements are progressing well.


Questions from the Panel


Councillor Bull asked if park and ride hours would still be extended even though cars are not included in the Clean Air Zone plans. Councillor Goodman replied that he is discussing this with the Government and hoping that the extension will still go ahead.


Councillor Samuel asked what the plan was if DEFRA did not provide all of the financial assistance requested. Councillor Goodman replied that he fully expected that all of the finance would be provided and that dialogue would be taking place in the next 4-6 weeks.


The Cabinet Member for Transformation and Customer Services – Councillor Karen Warrington reported on the following:


·  Thanks to officers for work and support.

·  Regarding digital projects – the new Council website has been demonstrated recently and is being rolled out in a modular way. ‘Fix My Street’ was demonstrated at Parish Liaison. The Cabinet Member asked Councillors to encourage use of this App.

·  Regarding branch libraries – Saltford and Weston have converted and are doing well. There are plans to transition Moorland Road, Radstock and Paulton. There are two new libraries in Bishop Sutton and Timsbury and conversations in Peasedown St John, Southside and Mulberry School are being considered.

·  Regarding the mobile library, a new vehicle will be delivered at the end of April which will be more reliable and fuel efficient. There will also be on board IT equipment and possibly and awning.


Questions from the Panel


Councillor Butters asked if Freshford and Wellow schools could be included on the mobile library route. The Cabinet Member stated that routes can be considered and schools can ask to be included.


Councillor Turner asked about elderly and lonely people being helped by the service. The Cabinet Member confirmed that a holistic approach is planned which will include everyone.


Councillor Samuel asked if the Police Enquiry Office would stay in Lewis House if the One Stop Shop and Library integration goes ahead in the future. The Cabinet Member explained that the Police would stay at Lewis House as the One Stop Shop footprint is reduced due to reduced need


Councillor Hale asked if the mobile library could carry food vouchers. The Cabinet Member stated that she would ask officers to follow this up.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Community Regeneration – Councillor Paul Myers reported on the following:


·  Regarding rural transport, there has been a proposal that has come through the Community Forum and Parish public meetings for a rural transport group in BANES. He explained that there is some misunderstanding by residents about how the bus service works – for example that bus companies do not have a legal duty, they will only run services where they are well used. A group to discuss these issues is a way forward, the group could pin down where people want to go and when. Representatives for the group are being sought. Councillor Bull stated that this was encouraging.


Questions from the Panel


Councillor Butters asked if there was a timescale, the Cabinet member explained that he hoped the group could meet before the elections in May. He explained that the Council would play a part but that Parish Councils are providing a lead.