Agenda item
The Chair will give an update on the following items that were discussed at the previous meeting:
· Tennis hut
· Lawn tennis association deal
· Flagpole
· Heritage information boards
· Skate park
· Footpath join-up
The Chair presented a briefing note giving an update on actions that had taken place since the last meeting and progress with ongoing projects. A copy of the report is attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes.
(a) Heritage Notice Boards
The Sub-Committee discussed the provision of heritage notice boards in the park. A further quote for this work had been obtained by the Chair which was lower than previous quotes. There was also the possibility of obtaining sponsorship amounting to £400 from the Alice Park Café, the local nursery and B&NES Council.
Cllr Patterson expressed concern about the heritage noticeboard commemorating the service of Col Ritchie as she did not feel that it was appropriate to celebrate war. She felt that military history set the wrong tone and would be incongruous in the pond area which was a setting for quiet contemplation. The Chair explained that the information board would not celebrate war but would simply provide information regarding Col Ritchie’s service which was in line with the heritage of a 1930s park.
Graham Page did not subscribe to the promotion of war but felt that this notice board would simply provide historical facts and so was supportive of the proposal.
Cllr Appleyard was keen to improve the signage within the park but did not support the inclusion of information regarding Col Ritchie as he felt this should be provided by his family.
Paul Hooper was in favour of providing the noticeboards as proposed by the Chair including company logos as appropriate and the historical facts regarding Col Ritchie.
Cllr Norton was also in favour of the proposal.
(1) To agree to provide two notice/heritage boards in Alice Park.
(2) To approve the quote provided by Arien Signs to carry out this work at a total cost of £3,239.
(3) To take up the offers of sponsorship toward this project amounting to £400.
(b) Skatepark
The Chair informed the Sub-Committee that the skatepark project was now awaiting final sign off. Work was due to start at the end of April 2019 with completion scheduled for May 2019. The project would run alongside the works to join up the footpaths within the park and an order had been placed for this work.
As a result of this work being carried out the boules area would have to be moved and would also be extended. This could be funded from the £25k allocated for further park improvements. It was noted that if the terrain was extended then the park would become the premier venue for Bath Boules. The new boules area would contain 4 lanes and would be approximately 4m larger than the current area.
Paul Hooper pointed out that the skatepark was a B&NES Council project which the Alice Park Trust was allowing on its land and that the Council had appointed the contractor to carry out this work.
(c) Tennis Courts
The Chair stated that he would meet with those concerned to find out the future plans for the tennis courts in the park.
(d) Flagpole
Graham Page had organised the reinstatement of the flagpole within the park and had obtained quotes for a flag containing the Alice Park Trust logo.
RESOLVED: To approve the purchase of a flag containing the Alice Park logo at a cost of £99.31.
(e) General Maintenance
Work needed to be carried out to repair structures, benches and fixtures to an acceptable standard. Graham Page agreed to prepare a snagging list for the park.