Agenda item

Public Health Update

Members are asked to consider the information presented within the report and note the key issues described.


Paul Scott, Assistant Director of Public Health addressed the Select Committee. A copy of the update can be found on their Minute Book and as an online appendix to these minutes, a summary of the update is set out below.


New Change4Life Campaign - ‘Look for 100 calorie snacks, two a day max’


Change4Life has launched a new campaign to help families choose healthier snacks when shopping and to reduce children’s sugar intake. The campaign is reminding families that fresh or tinned fruit and vegetables are a healthier choice for a snack but if you are providing packaged snacks, the simple tip is: ‘Look for 100 calorie snacks, two a day max.’ Families are encouraged to sign up to the campaign to receive helpful tips, ideas and money off vouchers. The B&NES Sugar Smart team are encouraging more organisations to take ‘pledges’ to get Sugar Smart.


Youth Mental Health First Aid Training (YMHFA)


YMHFA teaches the skills needed to spot the signs of mental health issues in children and young people aged 8 – 18 years. It helps participants to build the confidence needed to offer first aid and knowledge to signpost to further support.  YMHFA won't teach you to be a therapist, but it will teach you to listen, reassure and respond, even in a crisis - and even potentially stop a crisis from happening. This two day course is suitable for anyone working with or supporting children and young people aged 8-18 who has not undertaken mental health training before.  In particular it will be of interest to primary and secondary school and college staff, children and family services youth workers etc. 


Free Making Every Contact Count (MECC) training


Bookings are currently being taken for the Make Every Contact Count (MECC) training course on April 12 and 26 (Both morning ½ day sessions – Guildhall, Central Bath). This course is free at point of delivery and will be of relevance to anyone and everyone who has the opportunity to have conversations with others about their health and wellbeing, however brief that may be.


Bath and North East Somerset Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment 2018  to 2021


All relevant stakeholders and the public are being invited to take part in a Pharmaceutical Needs Assessment (PNA) consultation for Bath and North East Somerset. The PNA is a document which assesses whether the provision of local pharmaceutical services across the area is sufficient to meet the health and wellbeing needs of the local population. It considers whether we have enough pharmacies, and whether they provide the right services for local people now and in the future. It is also intended to assist the NHS and other local commissioners to develop future pharmaceutical services. The consultation provides an opportunity to help shape the future of local pharmacy services and ensure that the information included within the draft PNA is accurate. The consultation launched on 11 December 2017, and runs until 18 February 2018.


Dry January


If you’re thinking of stopping drinking and are looking for inspiration have a look at the Dry January campaign. There’s still plenty of time to get involved. According to Alcohol Concern, 79% of people who take part save money, 62% slept better and 49% lost weight. There are loads of resources on their website, with stories from those who have taken part and gave up drinking, together with apps to help you control your drinking and information leaflets to help inspire you to do the same.


Shingles vaccination


Evaluation of the effect of the herpes zoster vaccination programme 3 years after its introduction in England: a population-based study Analysis of 3.36m person-years of data found herpes zoster (HZ) vaccination programme in England has had population impact equivalent to~17,000 fewer episodes of HZ and 3300 fewer episodes of postherpetic neuralgia among 5.5m eligible individuals in first 3 years of the programme.


PHE notes that despite these very positive results, uptake of the vaccine has declined, with a 13% decline in people aged 70 since the start of the programme and an 8.4% decline in people aged 78 years since 2014. It is urging adults aged 70 and 78 to protect themselves by taking up the offer for vaccination from their GP or booking an appointment if they missed out, as shingles is a painful condition and can be especially debilitating for older people.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson asked with reference to Dry January if he had seen the recent article in The Guardian that suggested it may be more effective for people to not drink on certain days of the week.


Paul Scott replied that any reduction of alcohol intake should be welcomed.


Councillor Bryan Organ asked what was the criteria for the requirement of a new pharmacy.


Paul Scott replied that it was dependant on how many were already within a geographical area per population and how far people are away from current facilities. He added that generally most communities were served well.


Councillor Tim Ball commented that ‘healthy’ snacks are normally double the price of ‘regular’ ones and required a price reduction to make them more accessible.


The Chair thanked Paul Scott for the update on behalf of the Select Committee.