Agenda item


At the time of publication no notifications had been received.



The following people made statements to the Panel:


Robin Kerr – Federation of Bath Residents Associations made a statement regarding the Council’s Coach Strategy. A copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.


In response to a question from Councillor Evans, Mr Kerr suggested that Pickfords would be a good place for coaches to drop off or possibly Pulteney Road. He further explained that coaches do not need to drop people off in the city centre and there is an opportunity for a transport revolution in Bath with the new Transport Strategy.


Rachel Demuth – Resident and business owner made a statement regarding Coach Parking Strategy. A copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.


The Divisional Director for Environmental Services, Martin Shields was asked to comment on the Riverside Coach Park. He stated that, while not within in his remit, he could explain that the coach park is part of the regeneration scheme for Bath Quays. He explained that alternatives have been looked at – for example Oddown Park and Ride and arrangements for short stay parking are under review.


Councillor Samuel asked how the coaches affect the business. Rachel Demuth explained that she cannot open the windows in the summer as coach drivers do not turn their engines off due to the air conditioning. She explained that there are queues of coaches, some large coaches which affect pedestrian safety, cause noise, pollution and block disabled access.  Councillor Anketell Jones stated that a list of the names of the coach companies would be useful.


Patrick Rotherham – made a statement regarding the Parking Strategy. A copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.


Councillor Samuel asked if Mr Rotherham thought that the one way system in the centre encourages people to drive around in circles. Mr Rotherham agreed and stated that Milsom Street is a classic case where there are 20 parking spaces generating a huge amount of traffic.


Adam Reynolds – made a statement regarding the Parking Strategy. A copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.


Responding to a question from Councillor Bull Mr Reynolds explained that there should be zones across the whole city where people can park for 4 hours or less but if they park for the whole day, they must have a ticket or a permit. He also suggested that residents be issued a reporting App where a traffic warden on an electric bike can respond – cop-operation between the community and the Council.


Councillor Samuel stated that his ward is flooded with cars from the East of the city and asked if his proposal would fix this. Mr Reynolds explained that the whole of a Bath is a park and ride site and he proposes that there is a congestion cost to park in the city and the price of a bus pass should be similar to driving and parking.


Councillor Butters asked if there would be a financial benefit to the Council in his proposal. Mr Reynolds explained that if there is less parking then the Council would get less money but would also be getting less air pollution. The Division Director explained that any money raised through parking would be ring-fenced for transport issues.


Note minute 56 – Panel members agreed a small working group to look at Adam Reynolds proposal on parking policy.


Gillian Risbridger – made a statement regarding the Parking Strategy. A copy of this statement is attached to these minutes.