Agenda item
Cabinet Member update
The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.
The Cabinet Member for Transport and Environment, Councillor Mark Shelford updated the Panel on the following:
· Public Transport – he encouraged people to respond to the Bus consultation.
· Parking Services – the parking and coach strategies would come to Cabinet soon.
· Passenger Transport – continued work on ‘Getting from A to B Strategy’ with a view to working on the roads around Queens Square.
· Highways and Traffic – not withstanding budget pressures, this is very positive. Work planning on Tog Hill Lane with South Gloucestershire.
(A copy of his full statement is appended to these minutes)
Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:
Councillor Shelford confirmed that Councillor Hale’s request for funding for a consultation on traffic calming on Park Road Keynsham was in the programme.
Councillor Gilchrist asked about the subway in his ward, it was confirmed that there is money set aside for refurbishment.
Regarding the GWR consultation, the Cabinet Member explained that he had not had the meeting about his yet and would report back.
Councillor Bull asked if the bus consultation is available for people to respond who do not have digital access. The Cabinet Member stated that he would report back on this.
The Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhoods, Councillor Bob Goodman updated the Panel on the following:
· River Safety – officers are working with Avon Fire and Rescue and with the Student Safety Partnership.
· Air Quality – there is a report on the agenda.
· Refuse – since the roll out of the new system there have been some challenging times but it is likely that the new recycling figures will put BANES in the top 10. He reported that the push now is to reduce side waste and this is being tackled in a number of ways – waste doctors, waste diaries, contacting homeowners and if necessary issuing fines. The vast majority of residents are complying.
Councillor Samuel stated that there are 123 non-collected bags along London Road outside 40 properties which are mostly flats. He stated that he supports the policy but non-collected bags are a public health issue. The Cabinet Member explained that waste on the streets cannot be allowed and stated that a lot of non-collected bags contain recyclable materials. He stated that we are not there yet and London Road is a particular problem but numbers will go down gradually with the measures put in place (listed above).
Councillor Bull asked if there was a particular problem with students as they are sometimes only at properties in term time. The Cabinet Member explained that he has worked with student groups and they are compliant.
Following a query from Councillor Anketell-Jones, the Cabinet Member explained that the authority does not send recycling to China.
Councillor Anketell-Jones stated that there was a perception that operators’ attitudes are problematic, the Cabinet Member explained that it is a very hard and taxing job.
The Cabinet Member for Transformation and Customer Services, Councillor Karen Warrington updated the Panel on the following:
· Bath Library – there is continued engagement with groups. In May the design phase begin and work will start the following March. Staff functions are being looked at. Regarding The Hollies – design drawings will be sent out.
· Community Libraries – none have been closed, negotiations are getting close to transfer in some areas as people are coming forward. All local forums are being informed.
Councillor Bull asked if other methods are being used to get information out as forums are not always well attended. The Cabinet Member explained that there are posters in libraries and ward members have been informed.
Following a question from Councillor Turner, the Cabinet Member explained that volunteers will have access to professional advice from the Council, some libraries will be able to hire a part time librarian.
Regarding Bath Central Library, Councillor Samuel asked if the work will go on while the Library is open and working. Ian Savigar, Divisional Director for Customer Services explained that it is a bit early for full details but talks with the architects is ongoing regarding the transformation, it is hoped that there will be a continued service.