Agenda item
Council Operational Plan
- Meeting of Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, Monday, 22nd January, 2018 4.30 pm (Item 67.)
- View the background to item 67.
This report presents the Council’s Operational Plan to the Panel for consideration and feedback as part of the Council’s operational planning and budget development process.
The Chair explained the aspects of the plan that were within the remit of the Panel. He explained that the Strategic Director for Place, Louise Fradd and Divisional Director for Environmental Services, Martin Shields were present to answer questions.
Panel members asked the following questions and made the following points:
Regarding ‘Transport Planning’ (page 99, Appendix 1) Councillor Bull asked that if reliance on consultants is reduced, is there capacity within existing staff to carry out the work. The Divisional Director explained that, following a restructuring across the Highways Team, there are now staff who can do the work that had been done by consultants.
Councillor Butters asked (regarding ‘Parking and Transport’) if customers would be able to pay directly by card under the new proposal or will they have to download an App. The Divisional Director explained that the plan was to reduce payment by card (and the additional transaction fee). The Strategic Director explained that other areas use this model and there will be a phased approach. The Divisional Director explained that with the App customers can adjust their stay period.
Councillor Bull asked (regarding ‘Transport and Parking Services Review’) if the £707k saving had been made as a result of the parking review. The Strategic Director explained that this had already been agreed as part of the previous budget process but at this time the parking review was still under consideration. However there had already been additional income from parking charges, particularly around the Christmas period and it was felt that the income target was realistic and may even be exceeded.
Councillor Bull asked (regarding ‘Transport – moving people from A to B) if the proposals result in changes to eligibility for transport and asked if future service users will be disadvantaged by the proposal. The Strategic Director explained that the review has been ongoing and savings are now coming. She added that personalised budgets have had a positive impact on costs and discussions are ongoing with local dial a ride groups. In addition she added that the programme of safe routes to school would further reduce the need for transport to be provided and that the Council was looking at how it could use its vehicles to move patients to and from hospital more cost efficiently.
Regarding ‘Waste and Parks’ Councillor Turner asked if Parks Groups are aware of the service review. The Divisional Director explained that the service will be looking to work with friends of groups and any other partners who can contribute and that the service will become more commercial in the way it does business with fee paying customers.
Councillor Bull asked (regarding ‘Refuse Collection’) if it is anticipated that there will be resistance to reducing garden waste collections in winter months as people pay for this service. The Strategic Director explained that the reduction in collections during winter months (when there is less garden waste) was preferable to increasing the fees.
Regarding ‘Modern Libraries and Customer Services Review’ Councillor Bull asked if it was wise to withdraw funding from community libraries when there is more emphasis on digital communication and many people only access computers in their library. The Cabinet Member for Transformation and Customer Services, Councillor Karen Warrington explained that people are coming forward and discussions are ongoing, if people want an internet connection then that will be factored in. The Panel will be kept informed.
Councillor Simmons asked about the 3 month vacancy freeze (page 116) and if this could cause a problem in audit. The Strategic Director explained that if there is a need for a post to be filled then it is possible to fill a post before 3 months. She added that this policy has been applied for the last 6 months and it represents due diligence in assessing if there is a need for the post.
Regarding ‘Management Arrangements and Staffing’ Councillor Bull asked if the reduction in 300 staff was in addition to the staff reductions shown in this report. The Strategic Director explained that the 300 figure was made up of the staff reductions shown in the budget papers and other posts which have not been identified yet. This will be phased over 2 years. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency, Councillor Charles Gerrish added that smoothing reserves could be used in the phased period.
Councillor Hale asked if there is any work to be done with University’s, the Cabinet Member reported that there is a lot of work being done on this.
Councillor Gilchrist asked if the Gulls nest removal programme was going ahead, The Cabinet Member confirmed that this was in the budget proposals.
Councillor Gilchrist asked if there was any provision in the budget regarding residents parking zones, the Divisional Director reported that arrangements regarding residents parking zones would be reviewed as part of the parking review but in the meantime there is no change to the current process.
Supporting documents:
Operational Plan Cover Report, item 67.
PDF 103 KB
Operational Plan, item 67.
PDF 694 KB
Appendix 1- Council Budget Report Savings, item 67.
PDF 212 KB
Appendix 2 - New Emerging Items, item 67.
PDF 242 KB
Appendix 2 - WECA HIF Items, item 67.
PDF 196 KB