Agenda item
The Local Authorities' Role in Education
- Meeting of Children and Young People Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel, Tuesday, 30th January, 2018 10.00 am (Item 59.)
- View the background to item 59.
This report looks at how the local authority can establish a new relationship with local schools, so that it is able to play an active role in securing the best possible education provision and outcomes for the children and young people of B&NES.
The Head of Education Transformation introduced this item to the Panel. She explained that the education landscape in Bath and North East Somerset (B&NES) is changing rapidly and it had become more diverse with an increasing number of maintained schools joining Multi Academy Trusts (MATs). She stated that there are currently forty two of the eighty schools in B&NES already academies and a further ten are due to join a MAT by the 1st April 2018.
She said that these changes require the local authority to establish a new relationship with local schools, so that it is able to play an active role in securing the best possible education provision and outcomes for the children and young people of B&NES.
She informed the Panel that officers have consulted with CEOs of MATs, Headteachers of SATs, all local schools and the dioceses on establishing a partnership board and it was agreed that this would provide a positive and constructive way forward. She added that the Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC) also supports the establishment of a school standards board as an effective vehicle for determining the overall school improvement strategy and is promoting this with schools.
She stated that the B&NES School Standards Board will replace the Primary Education Excellence Board and they agreed the structure and terms of reference at their final meeting on 10th January 2018.
She explained that the purpose of the B&NES School Standards Board is to coordinate a collective responsibility for improving education outcomes for all children and young people within a diverse education system. She added that it is committed to education excellence and ensuring all children and young people have an equal chance to achieve their full potential.
She said that the priorities that the RSC had identified for the South West region are: for the Board had been currently identified as:
· Narrowing the gap for FSM pupils
· KS2 Maths
· Phonics and oracy
· Leadership
Councillor Liz Hardman commented it was good to see the Council taking the initiative and setting up a B&NES School Standards Board. She asked had it been done elsewhere.
The Head of Education Transformation replied that Boards have been established in Poole and Torbay following a recommendation by the RSC to the South West region.
Councillor Hardman asked will the RSC be providing any resources to support the initiative.
The Head of Education Transformation replied that a small amount of funding is available from the previous Primary Education Board and that the RSC has a School Improvement Fund which the Board will bid for.
Councillor Hardman suggested the Panel also receives a copy of the Annual Report, referred to in the final bullet point under Working Arrangements.
Councillor Peter Turner asked what role Teaching Schools could play in this process.
The Head of Education Transformation replied that it has been acknowledged that B&NES needs more Teaching Schools as it only has one currently at Fosse Way. She added that the MATs of Wellsway and Midsomer Norton have just announced bids to become a Teaching School.
Kevin Burnett asked who is represented on the Performance & Commissioning Forum which sits under the Board.
The Head of Education Transformation replied that this would comprise representatives from the previous Primary Board, the Teaching School, the Diocese and Bath Spa University.
Councillor Paul May, Cabinet Member for Children & Young People commented that the Local Authority must retain its involvement with schools especially with regard to School Improvement and supported the suggestion that the Panel should receive the Annual Report of the Board.
The Panel RESOLVED to approve that:
i) The Local Authority Officers work with key partners – CEOs of all local MATs, Stand Alone Trusts (SATs), the Diocese of Bath & Wells, the Diocese of Clifton, Regional Schools Commissioner (RSC), Teaching Schools, Cabinet Members, Further Education Colleges and universities to establish a B&NES School Standards Board, whose core purpose will be to meet the learning needs of all children and young people in B&NES
ii) The Local Authority’s future relationship with local schools focuses exclusively on (a) the contribution it can make to local school improvement through the School Standards Board described above and (b) its statutory duties for vulnerable children and their families, place planning, admissions and safeguarding.
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