Agenda item

Park & Ride East of Bath

At a Special Cabinet meeting on 25 January 2017, Cabinet considered an extensive report on the need for a Park & Ride (P&R) to the east of Bath and authorised the Strategic Director, Place, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport and Highways to make all necessary arrangements to implement a P&R at either site B or site F, subject to certain conditions.


This report outlines the work undertaken since January 2017.




The Cabinet is recommended to:

1.1  Cease progressing site B as a possible location for a Park & Ride site to the east of Bath for access safety reasons and because it has not been possible to negotiate the purchase of the land within a reasonable timescale; and to cease progressing site F because of potential access safety issues.

1.2  Continue to implement new opportunities emerging from the Joint Transport Plan for the West of England and new mayoral transport powers associated with the recently created West of England Combined Authority to address the transport issues facing Bath and North East Somerset to ensure that we sustain economic growth and support the provision of new homes.

1.3  To continue to investigate and implement approved schemes as identified  in paragraph 4.13 of this report.


Annie Kilvington read out the statement (attached as Appendix and available on the Minute Book at Democratic Services) where she welcomed the report though she expressed her concerns that the report had not highlighted objections from a number of organisations and individuals.


Christine Boyd read out the statement (attached as Appendix and available on the Minute Book at Democratic Services) where she welcomed the report though she expressed her concerns on the lack of survey and detail of where the traffic is going and why.


Andrew Mercer read out the statement (attached as Appendix and available on the Minute Book at Democratic Services) where he welcomed the report though he expressed his concerns that the views of the stakeholders were not taken on board and that project planning had failed. 


Nicolette Boater read out the statement (attached as Appendix and available on the Minute Book at Democratic Services).


Patrick Rotheram read out the statement (attached as Appendix and available on the Minute Book at Democratic Services) where he expressed Federation of Bath Residents' Associations concerns on the future of transport in Bath.


Councillor Andrew Furse said that, as per bullet point 2.5 of the report, there was no capital scheme attached to revenue revision and this money would need to be seen as revenue expenditure.  Councillor Andrew Furse expressed his concerns that the revenue would be attached to other balances which would put the Council in difficult situation.


Councillor Richard Samuel said that he was astonished to find out that there was no survey held on asking drivers why they come to the city.  Councillor Richard Samuel also said that for such expensive scheme there should be a survey on drivers’ behaviours and urged the Cabinet to conduct such survey before any further plans.


Councillor Alison Millar welcomed the decision though she also expressed her concerns that there was no relevant traffic survey.  Councillor Alison Millar also urged the Cabinet to enforce long term protection of that area so the residents would not get stressed out with another or similar proposal.


Councillor Geoff Ward said that he was delighted with the Cabinet decision not to go ahead with Park and Ride East of Bath.  Councillor Geoff Ward recognised that this was a difficult decision and congratulated the Cabinet on it, and asked the Cabinet to enforce a long term protection of that area and give Site F under control of Parish Council.


Councillor Neil Butters said that Liberal Democrat Group was delighted with the decision not to go ahead with Park and Ride East of Bath, though years of unnecessary work put into this scheme could have been avoided long time ago.  Councillor Neil Butters urged the Cabinet to listen next time what the majority of residents want.



Councillor Mark Shelford thanked everyone who addressed the Cabinet on this matter.  Councillor Mark Shelford also said that he would make sure that correct data would be used for transport in Bath scheme and had stressed that it would be absolutely fundamental for an early stakeholder engagement in the process.  Road safety would be a priority for the scheme and alternative transport scheme would involve an input from the West of England Combined Authority.


Councillor Mark Shelford moved the recommendations as printed.


Councillor Tim Warren seconded the motion by thanking Councillor Mark Shelford on moving the recommendations.  Councillor Tim Warren also said that a lot of work had been done since January 2017, which had been outlined in the report.


Councillor Vic Pritchard said that some people were delighted though there were some people who would be disappointed with the decision.  Councillor Vic Pritchard said that the Cabinet should thank the officers on work that they had put in.


Councillor Paul May said that he was delighted that transport to school issues would be considered in the scheme.


RESOLVED (unanimously) that the Cabinet agreed to:


1.1  Cease progressing site B as a possible location for a Park & Ride site to the east of Bath for access safety reasons and because it has not been possible to negotiate the purchase of the land within a reasonable timescale; and to cease progressing site F because of potential access safety issues.

1.2  Continue to implement new opportunities emerging from the Joint Transport Plan for the West of England and new mayoral transport powers associated with the recently created West of England Combined Authority to address the transport issues facing Bath and North East Somerset to ensure that we sustain economic growth and support the provision of new homes.

1.3  To continue to investigate and implement approved schemes as identified in paragraph 4.13 of this report.

Supporting documents: