Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update(s) provided.



Councillor Bob Goodman, Cabinet Member for Development addressed the Panel, a summary is set out below.


He wished to thank Liz Richardson for her work over the last 2 years. He said that Liz had been an admirable Cabinet Member and Advocate for Homes & Planning. 


Joint Spatial Plan


The Joint Spatial Plan is for both Planning and Transport Strategy and I think it is important that we realise that and indeed our residents do because, without the infrastructure, it is not going to be possible to develop some of the sites which have been put forward within the Plan.


The two major areas are Whitchurch and North Keynsham which will give 1,400 and 1,600 houses respectively within the planned period. 


The biggest challenge and one which I suspect people know is close to my heart, is the Affordable Housing need which is anticipated to be 32,500 and will be made-up of Social Housing and Shared Ownership.

We have to ensure these numbers are built and I have already been in conversation with the Mayor of the West of England, Tim Bowles, to let him know I want to work with him and other Members of the Combined Authority to achieve these targets. 


I want to also highlight the potential trading off of land at Hicks Gate whereby the existing Park & Ride could be made into housing and B&NES could take part of the Park & Ride in the adjoining area.  This is currently being looked at by officers.


The final agreed version will go out to consultation in November with a view to the adoption of the Joint Spatial Plan in early 2019.


Place Making Plan


We have been given the green light with the Place Making Plan from the Inspector with what I think is fair to say fairly minor alterations. The Place Making Plan will be going to Full Council in July.


We will then be looking at a review of our Core Strategy in what is now to become the new Local Plan.




I hope there will now start to be a rebalancing of houses for the residents but, of course, we still have to take into account that HMO’s are needed for key workers etc. and I have one or two ideas how that can be achieved which I hope to bring to you in the months to come. 




Both Councillor Richardson and I have had meetings with the Universities to discuss various matters including how they can develop on their own sites and how we can be supportive of their aspirations in relation to ensuring the right type of mix in the community as a whole.




I thought I would just finish up with some positive news on housing.  Firstly, I do have to mention the tragic events of Grenfell Tower a few weeks ago.  Following a thorough investigation, it has been found there is no cladding on buildings Social Housing providers have in the Authority and indeed, as you can expect, we are taking this extremely seriously and a high level meeting will be taking place shortly to assess any action which may be needed stemming from the Grenfell catastrophe.


Under the Platform for Life Banner, 20 units of shared housing for young people being supported to maintain employment and education has been achieved.


3 key housing projects are underway for housing for clients with learning difficulties.


In Fosseway and Midsomer Norton, 4-6 flats for independent living again with learning difficulties have been completed by Aster Housing Association and Swallow.


In Somerdale, there are 6 purpose built flats completed for people with learning difficulties.


I want now to blow the trumpet of Housing Services in that they have been awarded a Silver Standard for the work by the Housing Options and Homelessness Team by the Government National Practical Support Service and I very much look forward to working with them in the months ahead.


Another piece of good news on Affordable Housing is that Merlin Housing Society secured a £5.5m deal with Barrett’s to take 40 new homes. This is increasing the number which the Planning Consent requires and includes specially adapted homes for wheelchair users. 


Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked for his view on the possibility of the loss of 260 Social Housing units within the Mulberry Park development.


Councillor Goodman replied by saying that he had been very vocal within his ward on this issue and that he believed that it would be discussed in more detail at the Development Management Committee on July 26th. He added that he would be supporting that there be no loss of these units within the development.


Councillor Colin Blackburn said that he could not understand why there is a lack of installed fire alarm systems, particularly in HMOs.


Councillor Goodman replied that this may depend on the number of protective doors that are in place within the property.


Councillor Rob Appleyard asked how he would form a relationship with Curo given his previous comments relating to the Foxhill regeneration.


Councillor Goodman replied by saying that he believed in the comments he had made previously and the need protect the local residents. He added that felt that he had the expertise to handle his new role and to form relationships with all necessary parties.


The Chairman asked how his new role as Cabinet Member would affect his professional work.


Councillor Goodman replied that since he had become a Councillor he had spoken with the Council’s Monitoring Officer and agreed that any property that he was involved with would be decided upon by the Development Management Committee. He added that going forward he would look to have little or no direct dealing with any properties and that since becoming a Cabinet Member this week he had requested for a meeting to take place with himself and the Council’s legal team.


The Chairman thanked him for his update on behalf of the Panel.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones addressed the Panel on behalf of Councillor Paul Myers, Cabinet Member for Economic and Community Regeneration.


He said that the retail sector was coming under increasing pressure across the Council through the cost of rent and business rates. He added that in Bath there were a lot of empty shops and that this has an effect on the confidence of retailers in the area. He advised that the Council were looking to manage a £300,000 rate relief fund.


He informed the Panel that the Council owns 113 units and of the 8 of these that were currently empty 5 were under consideration.


He said that the Council and the Business Improvement District (BID) were working together on common interest projects.


He commented that retailers in Keynsham High Street were reporting a drop in sales and that it would be analysed if the new one way system had had any effect.


He said with regard to the Mineral Hospital, Bath that the Council has shown an interest in continuing to use the site for public use, but that he felt that there were other interested parties willing to pay a higher price for it.


He stated the need for a robust Coach Parking Strategy in Bath now that the area within Green Park is no longer available.


He explained that the opportunity for the Council to establish a Pioneer Building for expanding businesses to use had been lost due to the site being sold. He added though that the funding for this work was still available.


He suggested that the Panel might like to look at a refresh of the Cultural & Creative Strategy. He acknowledged that the technical elements of this work area have flourished, but that the Arts had a struggled a little.


Councillor Rob Appleyard said that Coach Parking could be accommodated within the Odd Down Park & Ride and that the focus should be on identifying drop off and collection points.


Councillor Lisa O’Brien commented that landlords should be encouraged to make their empty retail sites more appealing by covering the windows with appropriate advertising.


Councillor Anketell-Jones replied that the BID is working on a similar initiative.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked how proactive were the Council being with regard to the Rate Relief Fund.


Councillor Anketell-Jones replied that the details were still being discussed and acknowledged that it would have to be publicised.


Councillor Geoff Ward said that he felt that rents and rates within Bath were too high and that the Council should assess if they were at an appropriate level. He added that any Coach Park must have appropriate facilities for the public to use when they arrive.


Councillor Barry Macrae said that it was the intention of the Panel to provide advice to officers regarding retail later in the year. He added that the Enterprise Zone in Midsomer Norton required publicising.


Councillor Anketell-Jones replied that he was sure that with Councillor Paul Myers taking on this portfolio that this area of B&NES would be kept under a very good eye.


The Chairman thanked him for his update on behalf of the Panel.