Agenda item
Cabinet Member Update
The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update(s) provided.
Councillor Paul Myers, Cabinet Member for Economic and Community Regeneration addressed the Panel, a summary of his update is set out below.
Bath Quays North – Masterplan Consultation
He explained that drop-in information sessions have been organised between 8th – 11th November. At each session there will be an architectural model and display boards outlining the plans and members of the public will be able to put forward their views and comments. He said that outline planning consent for the site would soon be sought, possibly in December.
Bath Quays Bridge
He stated that the bridge will connect the proposed development sites of Bath Quays North and South and enhance the improved connectivity between the riverside and Bath city centre. He said that following planning permission being granted in March 2017 work is expected to begin in 2018 with the bridge completed by 2019.
Bath Western Riverside
A funding bid for Phase 2 has been submitted to the Homes & Communities Agency for £12m.
Bath & Somer Valley Enterprise Zone
The Council has welcomed the West of England Combined Authority’s (WECA) proposals to kick start a major transport improvement scheme. £280k has been allocated to develop a business case for improving the route from the Old Mills employment site on the A362 to the A37, which would include removing traffic pinch-points along the road as well as pedestrian and cycling improvements.
Heritage Services
The ‘Here Be Dragons’ exhibition at the Victoria Art Gallery held from 22nd July - 8th October 2017 attracted over 35,000 visitors.
55,200 visits to The Roman Baths took place after 5.00pm during the summer period.
540 affordable homes are forecast to be delivered by April 2018, this is above the 3 year target figure of 465.
Rough Sleepers - Reconnection Policy
He said that the Rough Sleeper count for 2017 was due to take place soon. He explained to the Panel that the Reconnection Policy aims to reduce rough sleeping as part of a national strategy. The policy aims to makes sure people are helped off the streets quickly, that nobody lives on the streets and that once helped they do not return to the streets. He added that rapid identification and reconnection of rough sleepers with their local community to access housing and support services is an important harm reduction measure, ending homelessness before a person’s situation deteriorates further.
Tenancy Strategy Update
All registered providers of social housing with housing stock in the Bath and North East Somerset area have been asked to comment on the proposed minor modifications to the strategic priorities of the Tenancy Strategy. The consultation is open until 24th November 2017.
Councillor Colin Blackburn asked if any update could be given regarding the Newark Works, Bath Quays South and the developers TCN.
Councillor Paul Myers said that he would seek a response and reply to Councillor Blackburn as soon as possible.
Councillor Lisa O’Brien asked if a strategy was in place to try to reduce the numbers of rough sleepers in the area.
Councillor Paul Myers replied that he was due to meet with representatives of Julian House later that day to discuss potential strategies.
The Head of Housing replied that the figures concerned had been similar over the past two counts, 24 in 2015/16 and 25 in 2016/17. He said that of these figures only 3 people were the same across both counts.
Councillor Barry Macrae asked if public safety measures have been considered for the Christmas Market following recent terrorist attacks.
The Regeneration Team Manager replied that planning for the market has been in progress for the past six months alongside Bath Tourism Plus and that he was aware that security and safe access were part of the conditions of the licence of the market.
The Chairman asked if enough facilities were available within Julian House and DHI (Developing Health and Independence) for people who do not have alcohol or drug problems.
The Head of Housing replied that both were good organisations that deal with a range of issues.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Myers for his update on behalf of the Panel.
Councillor Bob Goodman, Cabinet Member for Development and Neighbourhoods addressed the Panel, a summary of his update is set out below.
Foxhill Estate
He informed the Panel that the planning decision relating to the Foxhill estate will not be called in by the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).
Joint Spatial Plan
He stated that at his request all parties should have received briefings on this matter and that it was due for decision later in the week at Council. He said that he was committed to this process and thanked the officers involved, in particular the Group Manager for Policy & Environment and the Strategic Director for Place.
Local Plan Options
He explained that this process would give the Council a range of opportunities to receive and take into account the views of local residents.
Pre Application Advice – Charging Schedule Changes
He informed the Panel that the Development Management Service can now implement a revised pre application advice charging schedule.
HMOs – Revised Supplementary Planning Document
He said that this matter would be discussed further at the Cabinet meeting on 8th November and that he wished to thank Councillor Liz Richardson for involving him in this process 18 months ago.
Councillor Colin Blackburn asked if the Government had given an opinion yet on the differing statuses of HMOs, professional / student.
Councillor Goodman said that a response had not yet been received.
Councillor Rob Appleyard commented that he felt that the Council should be achieving the affordable housing figures quoted. He said that he had concerns over applications that have been granted and then subsequently reduced their offer. He asked to be provided with figures relating to any shortfall in affordable housing for the last three years.
Councillor Goodman said that he would seek a response and reply to Councillor Appleyard as soon as possible.
Councillor Barry Macrae asked in the context of the Joint Spatial Plan and the Local Plan Options why B&NES should be forced to collaborate to meet the needs of Bristol.
Councillor Goodman replied that he was happy with the work that Bristol has carried out and that he was aware that they are looking to utilise numerous brownfield sites. He added that any shortfall in this respect would be spread across all the other Local Authorities.
The Chairman thanked Councillor Goodman for his update on behalf of the Panel.