Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member(s) will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update(s) provided.



The Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning, Councillor Liz Richardson addressed the Panel, a summary is set out below.


She said that the Council were awaiting the Inspector’s report following the Examination of the Placemaking Plan that took place recently.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he attended one day of Examination and said that he thought our officers had done an exceptional job.


Councillor Liz Richardson spoke briefly regarding the Joint Spatial Plan as a fuller debate was scheduled for later in the meeting. She explained that the current document was a pre-draft version and that consultation on it was due to begin in November. She added that events have been planned as part of the consultation with a number drop in exhibitions due to be held across the Council with specific events already planned for Whitchurch and Keynsham.


She said that running alongside this would be the review of the Core Strategy which would also have some specific B&NES events.


She informed the Panel that the Englishcombe Neighbourhood Development Plan would be made at the Cabinet meeting on 14th November.


She said that a homeless person count would take place later this month.


She stated that there was due to be a streamlining of reports for the Development Management Committee. The reports would be shorter in length for small non-contentious applications.


She referred the Panel to the Housing Services update report that had been circulated and said that the Head of Housing was in attendance should they have any questions.


Councillor Paul May said that he wished to thank officers on behalf of his local community in Whitchurch for what they have done so far in addressing them directly. He asked how the Panel’s comments would feed into the consultation process.


Councillor Liz Richardson replied that their comments would be fed back via a report to the West of England Scrutiny Committee.


In response to a previous question at a Panel meeting regarding the number planning permissions that had not commenced during the first 12 months of approval Councillor Richardson said that figures were not held on this matter. She added though that figures were available for permissions that have been completed and those that have begun.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked why there had been a slippage of delivered new affordable homes in quarter three.


The Head of Housing replied that a couple of schemes had slipped, including a scheme in Bathampton.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he was concerned that the performance indicator target relating to telephone response had not been met over the recorded five quarters. He also questioned how relative was the indicator for homelessness cases prevented. He added that he did not like the section of the printed update that contained a number of images to represent statistics.


The Head of Housing replied that they had actually received a great deal of positive feedback over the document and that the images looked much better in the officially published version. He said that the preventing homelessness was an important indicator to the Council and that he would see if there were any current benchmarking figures to set these into context.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked for further information in relation to the performance indicator for invoices paid within 30 days.


The Head of Housing replied that this was with regard to invoices that the Council pay and predominantly associated with cases involving a Disabled Facilities Grant. He added that the reason for the negative figures is that the Council must record the date of the invoice itself and not from when they receive it, therefore any delay in it reaching the Council will lead to the indicator not being achieved. He stated that all invoices are paid within 14 days of being received.


Councillor Christopher Pearce asked how the customer satisfaction indicator is measured.


The Team Manager, Strategy & Performance replied that forms are handed out to customers of their services which have six key questions on them. She added that these questions were also available to answer online.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that it was the duty of Councillors to represent their public on the matter of the Joint Spatial Plan and that their views must be given to the West of England Scrutiny Committee.


Councillor Paul May asked if licensed HMO’s were inspected every year.


The Head of Housing replied that the licences last for five years and in that time they will be subject to one inspection, ideally two.


Councillor Paul May asked how some of the £5m funding had been achieved.


The Head of Housing replied that contributing towards this figure was the New Homes Bonus for bringing empty properties back into use, Department for Health grant for young people’s housing, and HCA funding for various schemes.


The Chairman asked if the process of streamlining Development Management report had been risk assessed.


Councillor Richardson replied that this type of report would only ever be used for low risk applications.


The Cabinet Member for Economic Development, Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones addressed the Panel, a summary is set out below.


He said that the final terms of the lease for Bath Quays South had been submitted to BMT and that he was still awaiting a report regarding Coach Parking on Bath Quays North. He added that there are now 3 or 4 options for Pioneer House being explored.


He stated that the Wayfinding Project was ongoing and that a consultation about it was due to commence.


He informed them that the Destructor Bridge would open in a sequence of events that would see it first used by pedestrians, then cyclists followed by northbound traffic.


He said that the developers of BWR were producing a plan to conclude the development on the site.


He explained that having produced a restructured programme for the Arts Council for England that Bath Festivals were due to receive £100,000 in funding from them.


He said that the future of the Royal Mineral Hospital was now the subject of some discussion as the NHS had begun to promote the sale of the site.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that the future of the Royal Mineral Hospital was a planning issue for the city centre.


Councillor Cherry Beath said the Council should use this opportunity to explore options and provide a business case for the future use of the Royal Mineral Hospital.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones replied that officers were willing and able to explore the use of the site.


Councillor Cherry Beath asked if BMT will be allowed any slippage with regard to Bath Quays South and had a parking solution been agreed.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones replied that no slippage will be allowed and that parking will be under the office block development.


The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration commented that the planning application for Bath Quays South has now been submitted.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked when the Destructor Bridge would open.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones replied that he would seek an answer for the Panel.


Councillor Colin Blackburn asked if a price for the Royal Mineral Hospital had yet been mentioned.


The Divisional Director for Community Regeneration replied that he believed that advisors for the NHS were promoting the sale of the site for £30m.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he was surprised that the Council did not have a plan in place for this site and asked if we were addressing the matter.


Councillor Patrick Anketell-Jones commented that he had heard that the Bath Preservation Trust were considering applying for the Royal Mineral Hospital to be considered as an Asset of Community Value.


The Chairman thanked both Cabinet Members for their updates on behalf of the Panel.