Agenda item



The Acting Pensions Manager presented the report.


A Member said that she was impressed by the progress of the Data Improvement Plan; the Annual Report, covering the year up to 31 March, reported data as 96% complete, whereas the figure at 30 June was 99.36% complete.


A Member said that the Actuary would need to take into account the big fall in the number of employees that would follow redundancies at Bristol City Council. The Head of Business, Finance and Pensions said that this would be picked up in the impact on payroll contributions. What was important for the valuation was the amount coming in contributions, not the number of employees in any employer.


A Member praised the two APF staff who worked non-stop for 4 hours at an Options Day, and thanked them for the fantastic job they had done.


A Member said that the table of key performance indicators did not show by how much the targets had been missed and what the size of backlogs were. The Acting Pensions Manager said that the new form of performance report to be introduced would show this and would comment on the reason for failing to achieve the target.


RESOLVED to note:


1.  Summary Performance Report and Performance Indicators to 30 June 2016.


2.  Progress on the Data Improvement Plan.


3.  Risk Register.

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