Agenda item

Other working arrangements

The following sub-groups of the Forum have been established


·  CIL Standing Panel

·  Independent Businesses- Task and Finish Group

·  Major Development Panel

·  Neighbourhood Planning Task and Finish Group


Chairs of these Panels and Task and Finish Groups will be invited to provide a brief verbal update on the work of their groups.


The Forum is invited to consider

(1)  any amendments it wishes to make to this sub-group structure for the coming year.

(2)  how to engage more widely, showcase initiatives and share good practice across Bath & North East Somerset




Report back from sub groups:


Michael Hill highlighted developments such as North and South Quays and the Enterprise area, and the need to focus attention and gain a clearer understanding of the operation of CIL. There needs to be a pathway that shows where we go next; how we get further involved; and what the forum will bring as an insight to how CIL is used.

Major Developments

John Wilkinson explained that various stakeholder meetings had taken place regarding the North and South Quays enterprise area and the plans for the new bridge spanning the river are advancing well. There is an aim to make Bath a business destination where new jobs are created and existing businesses want to remain in the City. John made an offer to attend any groups that wish to discuss topics further, all views are welcomed.

Independent Traders

Councillor Peter Turner explained that he is involved with a group of sixty independent traders that have been brought together as part of the positive projects that are being supported by Bath Tourism Plus. Peter has taken on the role of the Chair to the Independent Traders Strategy Group. This work is not directly associated with the Forum but its work will be shared with it. Peter has linked up with John Wilkinson and Ben Woods at the Council linking in with projects. Peter explained that there is a need to protect the diversity of independent businesses and plan this in to developments to ensure their sustainability.

Councillor Dine Romero asked if the remit that Peter has includes empty retail premises. Peter confirmed that is does.


Councillor Dine Romero asked if councillors were to be involved in the input to discussions regarding planning issues, could their discretion be fettered when plans are later considered by Development Control Committee stage. John Wilkinson advised that councillors indeed such members operated under this constraint.


Jeremy Boss welcomed Councillor Peter Turner’s approach to getting involving independent traders but felt the forum needed to be within the Forum rather than being separate. Andy Thomas explained that the aim was simply not to duplicate effort with Bath Tourism Plus work. John Wilkinson explained he was encouraged by the work so far, Bath Tourism Plus is an organisation that is supported by the Council and has the resources to carry out the work. Councillor Peter Turner agreed to keep the forum up to date with progress at future meetings.


Future agenda suggestions


Councillor Andrew Furse made several suggestions on issues for consideration.

1) Homelessness and vagrancy

2) Coaches – the solution needs to be wider than moving coaches from specific streets as disbursement only moves the problem elsewhere. There needs to be a clear long term strategy.


Councillor Peter Turner agreed that coaches are a big problem particularly on Pulteney Road and Bathwick Street. Peter has discussed the issues with Andrew Dunn and enforcement cameras are an option to assist the issues. Peter added that he has support for action from the Coach Drivers Club.  Cllr Furse highlighted that the solution needs to be wider than moving coaches from specific streets as disbursement only moves the problem elsewhere. There needs to be a clear long term strategy.


Robin Kerr reiterated the need to link the coach strategy to the wider transport strategy. Councillor Dine Romero added that he physical damage to the roads needs to be included.  John Wilkinson agreed to bring the strategy to a future forum meeting for consideration.