Agenda item

Resources Directorate Plan 2016-2017

This report presents the Resources Directorate Plan to the Panel for consideration and feedback as part of the Council’s service planning and budget development process. The report is attached with the following:


  • Resources Directorate Plan

·  Appendix 1: Directorate structure

·  Appendix 2: Analysis of headline numbers (2016/17)

·  Appendix 3: Draft Capital Programme  - new & emerging items

·  Appendix 4: Budget proposals and Service Impact Statement


All Directorate Plans can be viewed at


Andrew Pate, Strategic Director for Resources, introduced the report


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Goodman stated that last year there were several hopeful income streams, he asked if these figures have been met and what areas of income are at risk. The Strategic Director explained that there is a report on Budget Monitoring on the Cabinet agenda (meeting date 1st February 2017) where this information is available and Appendix 4 details future risks. Tim Richens, Divisional Director – Business Support explained that the Resources income targets are on track.


Councillor Gilchrist asked about the Property Company (ADL) and whether there will be a regular progress report and also if it will seek to serve social housing. The Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency Councillor Charles Gerrish explained that a progress report will be produced and so far it is ahead of budget. Regarding social housing, he explained that it is a dilemma, social housing is provided by Curo and the Council cannot re-enter the social housing market. He explained that the process for agreeing on new developments is that proposals go to both the ADL board and within the Council. The Strategic Director stated that the Annual Report by ADL may be something that this Panel could take an interest in.


Councillor Becker asked how proposed cuts effect the overall staffing of the Council and how does this compare with other Councils. The Cabinet Member explained that it is difficult to give a comparison because this authority does different things to others such as Heritage Services and also the sizes of Councils differ. He added that there will be job losses over the 3 year period but that this would mainly occur in year 3.


Councillor Paul May (Cabinet Assistant for Finance and Efficiency) explained that the process has been proper and logical including consideration of schemes that will reduce costs as well as considering benchmarking information. Consultants have been used to help with priorities and work has been done with the Head of Human Resources & Organisational Development regarding levels of pay.


Councillor Gilchrist asked about energy services and how BANES was aiming to outprice larger companies. He also noted the difficulties in getting people to convert. David Trethewey, Divisional Director Strategy and Performance, explained that the authority would be going into a partnership agreement, not setting up alone. The procurement will test the market. He added that it is an aim to extend possible savings to those experiencing fuel poverty. The Strategic Director explained that the risk rating is ‘H’ (high) (page 38) due to it being part way through the process, there will have to be a Cabinet decision to take it forward.


Councillor Dando stated that it is difficult to scrutinize the proposals due to the lack of detail, especially in terms of risk. He explained that the Library service changes are shown as proposals yet the saving is shown here already. He added that there is time to get more detail on this as Library proposals are for year 3 of the budget but he hopes to have more detail before the Council meeting. He restated that the Panel needs more details on proposed savings. The Strategic Director explained that the proposed savings regarding the Library Service are primarily in year 3 of the financial plan so are mainly not for approval as part of budget setting for 2017/18 and there will be a detailed business plan and consultation on this. He added that this would also go back to Cabinet for an executive decision about the capital investment prior to implementation.


It was noted that items such as ‘Digital by Choice’ could come back to the Panel for discussion and consideration as detailed plans are developed. The Cabinet Member stated that while the ‘Digital by Choice’ item recognises the growing demand for digital services, the opportunity for people to access the Council services non-digitally will remain.


Councillor Gilchrist noted the Thermae Spa profit share and suggested the authority build its own Spa. The Cabinet Member had no comment.


The Panel noted that the Cabinet Member had heard their comments on the Resources Directorate Plan and that the following issues could come back to the Panel (or other PDS panels) with more details at the appropriate time:


  • ADL progress report;
  • Library proposals;
  • Digital by Choice.

Supporting documents: