Agenda item

Cabinet Member Update

The Cabinet Member will update the Panel on any relevant issues. Panel members may ask questions on the update provided.



The Cabinet Member for Children’s Services, Councillor Michael Evans addressed the Panel.


Children’s Centre Services


He informed them that the Council is currently facing a significant budget challenge, including a £300,000 budget pressure in the current year for Children’s Centre services. The Children’s Services team have therefore been asked to review how the Children’s Centre services are now working following the changes put into place a couple of years ago.


He stated that he would like to reassure all parents and carers that we are in the very early stages of looking at this - we have not yet undertaken the review, no proposals have been made and no decisions have been taken. He said that the Cabinet are completely committed to helping the most vulnerable and those in greatest need, which includes continuing to provide services that parents rely on.


He explained that some of the buildings are underused and often empty as many services are now delivered directly in people’s homes or at other community venues. He added that we therefore need to look thoroughly at the use of the buildings and whether we run all of these in their current form, or whether for example, other local organisations might be better placed to run the buildings and make better use of the available space to offer alternative activities for their communities.


He said that we will continue to keep all parents and users of the centres informed as the review progresses and please be assured we will consult extensively on any ideas that come forward.


SEND – Home to School Transport


He said that a review of Home to School Transport for SEND pupils may take place soon as part of a discussion relating to expanding the number of SEND placements within B&NES.


Bath Community Academy (BCA)


He said that the Cabot Learning Federation would be commencing with a consultation with the Regional Schools Commissioner (DfE) on the future of the academy and we await the outcome.


Exam Results


He said that the initial figures relating to SAT / GCSE / A Level results locally were generally positive and that reports on these would come to the Panel in due course.


The Chair thanked him for his statement and asked if he could elaborate any further on the possible increase of SEND placements.


Councillor Michael Evans replied that there may be some Government funding available in the near future.


The Chair asked if it would be possible to keep education on the BCA site.


Councillor Michael Evans replied that conversations were at an early stage, but that it seemed positive that alternative arrangements could be put in place.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked what the criteria would be for closing a Children’s Centre.


Councillor Michael Evans replied that areas of need and vulnerability would be assessed and that if any were to close locations within a geographical area would be taken into account.


Councillor Liz Hardman commented that if the management of the Children’s Centres were to be cut it would be a much poorer service. She asked if parents of SEND pupils would be asked to organise their own transport.


Councillor Michael Evans replied that plans relating to Children’s Centre Services really were at an early stage at this moment in time.


The Strategic Director for People & Communities added that they were considering piloting a personal budget system for families of SEND pupils.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if the 200 pupils that attend BCA would be allocated places within B&NES and would they be provided with transport if necessary.


The Strategic Director for People & Communities replied that the Cabot Learning Federation has met with other Secondary School Head Teachers and that the Council has already committed that if required transport would be available for those pupils in Years 7 and 10 to reach St Marks School, where the majority of available places are. He added that some Year 10 pupils had transferred to Bath Studio School but he was not aware of any movement by pupils in Year 7.


Councillor Liz Hardman stated that a plan was required should BCA close within a year.


The Strategic Director for People & Communities replied that the decision was not in the hands of the Council, although it would be involved in the discussion. He said that the Cabot Learning Federation would have to submit a detailed proposal to the Regional Schools Commissioner for their consideration.