Agenda item


At the time of publication no notifications had been received.



Pamela Galloway, WWISE Network addressed the Panel. A copy of her statement can be found on the Panel’s Minute Book and online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.


She thanked them for their support at the last meeting and wished to update them on the latest developments.


She explained that they have put forward a number of suggestions of how a suitable pool could be incorporated into the plans for the refurbishment of the Bath Leisure Centre and that they have been informed that GLL are looking at the feasibility, potential income & costing implications and will be producing a formal report in due course.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if it was only the Bath Leisure Centre they had enquired about.


Pamela Galloway replied that the focus was on Bath currently as that site was undergoing a redesign process. She added that they plan to request a similar facility within Keynsham Leisure Centre.


The Chair thanked her for the update on behalf of the Panel.


Penny Hay, Child Friendly City Steering Group addressed the Panel. A copy of her statement can be found on the Panel’s Minute Book and online as an appendix to these minutes, a summary is set out below.


She explained that a brilliant opportunity had arisen which she felt would benefit the whole community and that she didn’t want the Council to miss the chance as bids close on 31 October.


She said Bath & North East Somerset has been invited to apply to be a UNICEF pilot project, one of only 6 pilots planned in the UK. She added that Childs Rights Partners is a ground-breaking programme - systematically embedding children’s rights in public services at both policy and practice level that has never been trialed before in the UK.


She informed the Panel that UNICEF offers a practical framework for working with and for children and young people including mentoring and peer support. She added that the Child Rights project supports us to work with children as rights holders and governments and services as duty bearers.


She said that in B&NES, we want all children and young people to have equal life chances with positive mental health and well-being, with higher aspirations. We know the Council has identified health and socio-economic inequalities and is working towards reducing these; this project would actively support the Council’s work.


She stated that she believed systems would be improved by embedding a rights-based approach, not only to improve children’s lives and give all children the same opportunity to flourish, but to improve local communities and society as a whole.


She explained that they are drafting the UNICEF bid now with Child Friendly Community partners and were inviting the Council to be a partner. She added that a modest amount of funding from the Council could leverage a strategic investment in the future for our whole community.


Councillor Karen Warrington asked if the profile of this work would enable national grants to be obtained.


Penny Hay replied that strategic national funding does exist and that she was due to have a meeting with Ben Woods (Group Manager - Economy & Culture) to discuss the matter. She said that the Bath Spa Institute for Education were keen to take part in the project and had previously considered giving £3,500 to the project, but this had not been matched.


Jake Bishop-Ponte said that as part of the Child Friendly City Steering Group he had met with the Bath MP, Ben Howlett and also taken part in a debate with Councillors on local policies.


Councillor Alison Millar asked how much funding the Council would be asked for.


Penny Hay replied that if they were able to at least match the offer from Bath Spa that would be great. She added that a figure of around £20,000 over three years would enable an officer to be employed on the project.


The Chair asked if the figure of £3,500 would lever further external funding.


Penny Hay replied that it would.


The Chair thanked her for statement on behalf of the Panel.