Agenda item

Your Care Your Way Update

To receive a presentation from Sue Blackman.


The Board received a presentation from Sue Blackman, Project Lead, regarding Your Care Your Way.  The presentation covered the following issues:


·  On 18 August 2016 the preferred bidder to provide community services within BANES was announced as Virgin Care.  This decision had been made on the basis of a number of assessments by both professionals and community champions. 


·  The following issues had been taken into account during the assessment:

o  Services

o  Payment

o  Quality

o  Reporting and Information

o  Contract Management

o  Governance

o  Capability


·  The contract is a standard NHS contract.


·  The capability of the bidders had been tested, CQC reports had been examined and financial viability had also been investigated.


·  The preferred bidder stage structure consisted of 6 workstreams as follows:

o  Commissioning

o  Communication

o  Workforce

o  Estates

o  Finance

o  Information Management and Technology


·  The key messages from the Virgin Care bid were leadership, ability to drive transformational change, co-design of services and a valued workforce.  The bid demonstrated a joined-up approach to care and prevention, plans to develop multi-disciplinary teams, single care and support plans and self-management.  There were also plans to use village agents in rural areas with a care co-ordination centre as a single point of access.


·  The Virgin Care bid demonstrated that in areas where they are running services their workforce had felt valued and the company had a track record of managing transition well, engaging volunteers and using technology to provide an integrated care record.  They had clear strategies for the adoption of assistive technologies.


A high level road map had been produced and this was circulated to the Board members. 


·  The service model proposed by Virgin Care identified key contributions to delivering the priorities that people have said are important to them:

o  Provide more joined up care

o  Consider the whole person

o  Focus on prevention

o  Reduce social isolation

o  Build community capacity

o  Guide people through the system

o  Value the workforce and volunteers

o  Share information more effectively

o  Embrace new technology


·  Key dates for the project were:

o  9 September 2016 – Working assumptions around scope of the prime provider to be released.

o  25 October 2016 – Preferred bidder stage completed.

o  10 November 2016 – Full business case to governing bodies


·  The mobilisation stage would then take place from November 2016 to April 2017.


·  Some indications around the transformation roadmap included:

o  Year 1 - consultation and co-design.

o  Year 2 - mobile working and launch of innovation fund

o  Year 3 – move to paperless working practices


·  There would also be an innovation fund which services could bid for.


Members of the Board then asked questions regarding the bid and the contract as follows:


·  Is this privatisation of the community care service?  Virgin Care is a limited company providing services in the same way that other independent providers provide NHS services.  The best service and most capable provider were required that reflected the vision outlined in the specification.  There is a proposed cap on management costs and due diligence had confirmed Virgin Care to be compliant with UK tax requirements.  As part of the contract any surplus generated would have to be reinvested back into the community.

·  What would happen to the existing staff?  Where appropriate frontline staff would transfer to Virgin Care but the details were still being worked through at this early stage in the process.

·  Will there be any cuts to budgets or services?  Will there be an impact on existing service providers?  The bids had been assessed on the basis of who would provide services most effectively and efficiently.  Virgin Care had demonstrated a clear stratification approach to ensure that the effectiveness of services can be accurately assessed and that funding is directed to the appropriate pathways of care.  Cuts to the services were not expected although it was recognised that there are some overlaps with current provision and these are expected to be addressed as part of the transformation.  There would be challenges due to the nature of transformational change.  It should also be noted that there is an expectation to look at the whole system including secondary care and determine how funding can be most effectively utilised.

·  Is a 3 year transition period too long a timescale?  There has to be a balance.  About 20 services need to safely transition and this must take place at a comfortable pace for staff and the business.  It was important not to destabilise the existing health economy.


Morgan Daly and Diana Hall Hall from Healthwatch hoped that their organisation would continue to be used in the future.  Healthwatch had some concerns around smaller providers and voluntary sector organisations.  Some members of the public also had significant concerns about the forthcoming changes.  Healthwatch would be interested to hear from anyone who has concerns and would provide feedback to the Board in due course.


Tracey Cox stressed that the 2 year process was not solely about Virgin Care and that it would be important for all those involved in healthcare provision to continue to bear in mind the 9 strategic themes that have been agreed.


Bruce Laurence stated that the approach to recommissioning had been very thorough. 


Dr Ian Orpen noted the very detailed approach and the excellent link-up with the Health and Wellbeing Board.  He acknowledged that there was some public anxiety about the planned changes.


Councillor Tim Warren asked whether the roadmap could be made available to all Councillors and the public.  Sue Blackman stated that she would look into this. 


(Note: The roadmap referred to within the Your Care Your Way presentation will be updated during due diligence and used to carry out roadshows with the public and staff and stakeholders.  It will therefore be released as soon as due diligence has been completed).


The Health and Wellbeing Board commended Sue Blackman and her team and also Jane Shayler and her team on the excellent work they had carried out on this project.


RESOLVED: To note the update.