Agenda item

'Getting from A to B' - Strategic Review of Transport

There is no report attached. There will be a presentation at the meeting on ‘Strategic Review of Transport’ – slides will be available and sent out early next week.


An officer will give a verbal update on recent bus service changes.


James Freeman of First will attend to answer any questions from the Panel.



The Chair introduced James Freeman and Andrew Sherrington – Managing Director and General Manager (Bath) of First Bus. James Freeman explained that he is glad to be at the meeting and while he does not enjoy listening to all of the issues in the public statements, it is important to hear them. He gave a presentation to the Panel which covered the following:


·  Introduction to First West of England

·  The environment in which we trade

·  Cranmore Estate

·  Route 178 Chandag

·  Route 379

·  Route 38 Keynsham

·  Route U1 Upper Oldfield Park

·  Routes 6/7 Fairfield Park and Larkhall


He also made the following points:


·  He stated that the strength of feeling and petition regarding the 379 service is noted and he has been looking at possible options with colleagues in B&NES. He stated that he hopes it might be possible to put on a couple of peak hour facilities.

·  Regarding the 38 Keynsham – there was a meeting a few weeks ago and the result of the strength of feeling at the meeting is that an experiment is taking place for the Park Estate and use of this evening service has been encouraging. Mr Freeman explained that this shows that public feeling can be responded to.

·  Regarding the U1 Upper Oldfield Park, Mr Freeman explained that he is happy to meet representatives on the site but for now the bus has to operate as per the registration.

·  Regarding the 267, Mr Freeman explained that First have been consulted as operators and that it would be his intention to run an evening service on a commercial basis on Friday and Saturdays if revenue support were to be withdrawn.


In conclusion Mr Freeman explained that in his position, he has to adjust services to the circumstances which prevail. He added that he is happy to meet with people regarding bus services.


Andy Strong – Team Manager Public Transport gave a verbal update on the recent bus service changes. He explained that the Council has agreed a limited peak hour replacement for bus service 379 funded initially by developer contributions. For this to be sustainable in the longer term, the fares revenue would need to cover the operating costs. His team had received a substantial amount of correspondence about the recent changes to First’s commercial bus services and an issue raised in virtually all of them was the lack of consultation by First with their customers and residents about their proposals. The officer reported that he is keen to work with First and other bus operators to improve the process of reviewing and changing the bus route network. On a positive note, there had been an increase in the total number of bus passenger journeys across all operators in B&NES in 2015-16 for the third successive year. The annual total was 13.4 million, up 3% from the previous year. Of that total, 28% of journeys were made by holders of concessionary passes – a slight decline probably attributable to the national increase in the eligible age.


He explained that the Bus Services Bill is going through parliament and people should consider taking general issues to local MPs to raise in Parliament.


Regarding the 267 he explained that B&NES consulted Somerset County Council as the neighbouring transport authority and it was up to them to engage with parishes within their area.



Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Hale asked when timetables will be published. The officer replied that roadside information can be updated and operators are relied on to produce timetables for their commercial services. James Freeman added that First timetables will be published in September. He added that the 177 is registered now and the timetable can be published as soon as possible.


Councillor Gilchrist asked why First consulted Oldfield Park Councillors but not Widcombe Councillors. Mr Freeman apologised for the error.


Councillor Patterson spoke about the 6/7 service. She stated that she believes the survey was not conducted properly and asked that this be reviewed.


There was some discussion on the 177 (379 replacement). Councillor Bull suggested the time of 5.30pm. Mr Freeman explained that the current times are registered but that it is not impossible to change this over time. Councillor Bull agreed that they would meet to discuss this after an 8 week trial.


Councillor Moss referred to the decline in use of concessionary bus passes, he asked how this could be promoted. Mr Freeman explained that bus use in the area is on the increase.


Councillor Liz Hardman thanked First Bus for listening and for putting on the 177 in Paulton and added that new homes are being built in Paulton and the service may need to be expanded at some point. Mr Freeman acknowledged this point. He further explained that there is a big difference between peak and off peak services and that a new bus has to be bought for an extra peak time service.


Councillor Patterson stated that residents have also been signing a petition regarding the 6/7 service.


Councillor Butters stated that First Bus are in a difficult position. He thanked all of the speakers. He mentioned that there is a local bus forum. Regarding the U1 he stated that he is puzzled as to why the students do not use the Lower Bristol Road Bus Stop. He asked how the numbers of concessionary travellers could be raised. James Freeman explained that there are underlying reasons for the decline in numbers – principally, the move in the date for state pension age is moving. He added that when petrol prices go down, numbers of people using buses dropped. Regarding the U1 he explained that there is no easy answer as students will not travel at all if the service is not provided. There is also a competing operator, He stated that he is happy to meet with local people.


Regarding the suggestion of charging higher fares to fund the 267, Mr Freeman commented that this has been tried before and it generally drives people away. He added that First Bus do operate a passenger forum.


Councillor Hardman asked if there has been consideration of the school children regarding the U1. Mr Freeman responded that vehicles will have to proceed with the conditions that prevail as in all areas.


Councillor Hale thanked Mr Freeman for the resolution in Keynsham. He proposed and it was RESOLVED that:


The Cabinet be asked to review the ending of the subsidy on the 267 and that serious consideration be given to looking at funding from other authorities/Town and Parish Councils.


Following the above debate, Martin Shields Divisional Director - Environmental Services gave a presentation on ‘Getting from A to B – Strategic Transport Review’ which covered the following:


·  Outline of briefing

·  Overview

·  Review – Community Transport

·  Edge Solutions Review

·  Review – Home to School travel

·  Review of current position

·  Review – Internal fleet

·  Next Steps


The officer explained that this had been to Cabinet today and is a work in progress.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Simmons asked if he could have some input when vehicles are changed as he has many years’ experience.


Councillor Hale spoke about the lack of traffic in school holidays and asked if we could look at an American style bus system. The officer explained that the Council transports a lot of children in taxis and that maybe there is an opportunity to merge journeys and that this is all part of the review.


The officer explained that the Council meets entitlements to transport services and personal travel plans for adults and children. He explained that sometimes, people do not use the bus pass provided to them.


The Chair thanked the officer and asked for an update in 6 months.