Agenda item

Approval of the Foxhill Regeneration and Development Charter

The draft charter has undergone a period of independent consultation with the community and stakeholders and the outcomes of this consultation have been reviewed and incorporated into the Charter Ambitions as part for the development of the final version of the charter for adoption later this summer.


Councillor Rob Appleyard handed the role of Chairman for this item to his Vice-Chair Councillor Barry Macrae.


Councillor Macrae commented that a previous report to the Panel regarding the Charter had been received positively.


The Team Manager for Enabling & Development explained that the draft charter has undergone a period of independent consultation with the community and stakeholders and the outcomes of the consultation have been reviewed and incorporated into the Charter Ambitions as part of the development of the final version of the charter for adoption later this summer.


She reminded the Panel that at the heart of the draft Charter were four ambition themes (Communities, Connections, Housing Choice and Quality of Place) that will guide decision-making about regeneration and development.


She highlighted changes to the wording of the ambitions to ensure delivery, including:


  • Ensure that a range of housing types in all tenures will allow for changes in needs and lifestyles as people’s circumstances and ages change, so they can still remain fully included in their neighbourhood


  • Ensure that any new housing in the estate is of the same high quality as Mulberry Park.


  • Actively promote opportunities to work from home or work close to home.


  • Creating 3 separate ambitions around standards, distinguishing between the quality of new build homes, improving standards in the retained Curo housing stock and retained owner occupied homes.


She stated that the final version of the Charter would be presented for adoption by the Cabinet in September 2016 and that she was seeking the support of the Panel with regard to the revised Charter and its ambitions.


Councillor Lisa O’Brien commented that she was not happy with the length of time allocated to the original consultation that took place in February / March 2016. She said that of the 863 households that could be accounted for in Foxhill feedback forms were completed by 15 of the 40 attendees at the consultation workshop.


The Team Manager for Enabling & Development replied that the decision regarding the consultation timescales were taken in the context of an established project plan. She added that all parties were made aware of the consultation. She said that the purpose of the Charter is supposed to be a high level document that sits above the masterplan which is also underway.


The Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning thanked officers for their work on this matter as the Council was not required to carry out this level of detail for the project.


Councillor Barry Macrae commented that he was happy with the work so far and called for the project to remain person focussed.


The Team Manager for Enabling & Development said that the Council has a role in supporting Curo and testing them at the same time. She informed them that additional posts were being assigned to the project to work with the local community. She added that she would be happy to bring further reports to the Panel regarding the project.


Councillor Rob Appleyard asked if all households were notified on the consultation of the Charter.


The Team Manager for Enabling & Development replied that all households had received a letter regarding it. She added that Curo see this an opportunity to develop Mulberry park and Foxhill together. She stated that every household will have their own conversation with regard to their own property.


Councillor Barry Macrae said that an ongoing communication was to be encouraged.


The Cabinet Member for Homes & Planning commented that around 200 people attended a recent Masterplan meeting and said that the Charter was a non-statutory doc which would evolve over time.


Councillor Bob Goodman addressed the Panel. He said that there was much to commend within the Charter including;


·  New homes delivered as part of the regeneration should be to the same standard as new homes in Mulberry Park;

·  The continued investment into Curo’s own retained property to improve the quality and energy efficiency and make the best use of the retained communal open spaces;

·  Support owner occupiers retained homes to improve energy efficiency and physical quality of their homes.


He said that Curo have, without doubt, gone some way in addressing the concerns I had when I was first elected.  However, I believe Curo must take into account the wishes of the community.  It is not good enough to consult, you also have to listen and act upon it.


He said that clause 4.3 of the Report of the Foxhill Housing Zone indicates it is needed to meet and accelerate the completion of new homes. He added that this contributes to Core Strategy House Building targets and delivery of affordable housing.  However, this is only in respect of the Mulberry Park Development and not Foxhill as Foxhill was not part of the Core Strategy – The Panel should understand this.


He said that he would like particular assurances from this Scrutiny Panel that they will ensure the regeneration of this much loved area does not loose affordable/social housing. 


He stated that he would do his utmost to ensure residents of Foxhill are listened to and any resident who wants to stay on Foxhill in the community which is special to them will be found accommodation suitable for them.


The Panel RESOLVED to:


i)  Note the consultation outcomes for the Foxhill Regeneration and Development Charter.


ii)  Support the revised Charter ambitions for inclusion in the final version of the Charter for adoption by the Cabinet in September 2016.

Supporting documents: