Agenda item

Required and Proposed Amendments to the Constitution

This report sets out several proposed amendments to the Constitution.  Appendices 1 – 6 deal with updates required to Contract Standing orders; Procurement Regulations, Budget Management and Financial Regulations, following scrutiny by the Corporate Audit Committee,  Appendices 7 – 8 were drawn up following discussions with the Constitution Working Group.


The Council considered a report, deferred from the meeting on 12th November, concerning various amendments to the Constitution.


On a motion from Councillor Tim Warren, seconded by Councillor Charles Gerrish, it was




1.  That the amendments to the Council’s Constitution as set out in Appendices 1 to 6 to the report be approved; and


2.  That the business of the February 2016 Council meeting focuses on budget items only (with discretion to the Chairman to add urgent items to the agenda) and members of the public wishing to speak are limited to items relevant to the budget and for 90 minutes only, with written notification submitted prior to the meeting and the Chairman to ensure a full range of budget issues are covered.




1.  During the debate, an amendment was moved by Councillor Dine Romero, seconded by Councillor Alison Millar, to approve appendices 1 to 6 but refer all remaining items back to the Constitution Working group. This motion was lost with 14 Councillors voting in favour, 40 against and 0 abstentions.

2.  The wording underlined in resolution 2 above was proposed by Councillor Robin Moss and accepted into the substantive motion by the mover and seconder.

3.  The successful resolution above was carried unanimously.

4.  During the debate, a short adjournment was called to enable clarification on the wording of Councillor Robin Moss’ amendment.]

Supporting documents: