Agenda item

Consultation items

7.45pm – 8.15pm – Introduction to the Chew Valley Transport Strategy


The Council commissioned Transport Strategies for Bath and Keynsham and has committed to completing its review of transport in the District with this commission for new Transport Strategies for the Somer Valley and the Chew Valley and other rural areas.  The presentation will provide an introduction to this work and seek the views of the Forum about engaging the public. 


8.15pm – 9.00pm –CCG Your care, Your Way consultation, Phase 2 - workshop


The CCG are now in a period of formal consultation on their draft proposals for how community services could be organised in the future.  The CCG will be presenting the options and seeking the views of those present at the meeting.  This part of the meeting will take form of a workshop.  For more information about your care, your way visit



Introduction to the Chew Valley Transport Strategy – Peter Dawson Group Manager, Planning Policy & Transport


12.1 CH informed the meeting that Louise Fradd had made a commitment that the Forum would have influence on this Transport Strategy – Transport being a key topic.  He introduced Peter Dawson (PD) to present.


12.2 PD said that the Keynsham Strategy has now been taken to Cabinet and a further Strategy for Chew Valley and Somer Valley has been commissioned.  He is attending this meeting to explain the Terms of Reference for this commission.  These will be circulated following the meeting.


12.3 The Council has appointed Mott McDonald to undertake the Strategy.  This will include a review of HGV routes; airport traffic; home to school transport; walking and cycling routes; speed limits and traffic management on the A37, A39 and A367.


12.4 PD showed an image of commuting patterns in the Chew Valley area from 2011 Census data.  The majority are commuting to Bristol.  The technology is also available to look at overlaps relating to existing community transport to see whether there are more efficient ways of working.


12.5 CH asked if there were any questions.  Simon Chamberlain (SC) asked why the strategy is being undertaken.  PD said there is a challenging financial situation.  A review of buses in rural areas is required to see whether need is being met.  There is also a need to look at road traffic accidents in the area.  The aim is to ensure that, when funding is available, it is spent where it is needed.  Local strategies are required as there are different needs in different areas.  CH said this review will take advantage of central government funding.


12.6 VP said the evidence would give credence to the Council’s Manifesto on public transport deficit.


12.7 PD said there is also significant housing growth, which will bring transport challenges and there needs to be strategies in place to deal with this.


12.8 Rosemary Naish (RN) asked whether B&NES is working with Bristol and linking to the West of England Spatial Strategy.  PD confirmed and said the Council is represented on this.


12.9 Sarah Williams (SW) said in terms of community transport, this is referredd to as ‘non-car’.  However, some community transport is delivery by car such as volunteer drivers for doctor and hospital appointments.


12.10 Denise Perrin (DP) asked what the objectives of the Total Transport Fund are.  PD said there is information on this in the Terms of Reference.  £60k is available from the Department for Transport for the Strategy.  The local knowledge that the Forum members have will be really helpful in taking it forward.


12.11 CH asked how long the process will take.  PD said about 6 months but the quality of the information is more important than the time-frame.


12.12 CH asked whether Forum members should give feedback on the brief directly to PD.  He said yes.  His e-mail is  SD asked whether there was a deadline for this.  PD said by 13th November would be helpful.


12.13 CH said transport is a strategic issue which cuts across everything – it is relevant to all ages, all Parishes and also cross boundary.


12.14 PD said he is happy to return to a future Forum meeting to update on progress and explain more about the link with Planning.  CH thanked PD to attending


CCG ‘your care, your way’ Consultation, Phase 2 - workshop


12.15 Sue Blackmore (SB), Programme Manager, introduced herself and Barry Grimes – Communications Manager.  SB explained that the CCG is undertaking an extensive review of community health services.  It was launched in January 2015 and she thanked the Forum for their input to date.  She said the feedback in Phase 1 was really useful and circulated the report on this.  This can be found on-line here:-


12.16 SB said Phase 1 was around starting to engage the community in the process.  Phase 2 began in May and is around developing the commission document.  Phase 3 will begin in December 15 where they will work with providers to put a service plan together and look at costings.  The review will be completed in Summer 2016.


12.17 SB explained that the change is due to an ageing population; increased demand on services; high expectations from users and lack of finance.  The CCG currently spends £70m with 60 providers, delivering 400 services.  They manage 180 contracts.


12.18 Feedback so far has suggested that empowerment is important to all ages alongside timely intervention.  They have also had feedback around the current need to travel around the district to receive different services.


12.19 The CCG are suggesting four, potential models for delivery.  Model 1 is around services that focus on conditions.  Model 2 is based around functions.  These are both pathway models which is similar to current provision but with more integrated information systems


12.20 Model 3 is around GP Wellbeing Hubs.  The hubs could be physical buildings or virtual with resources around community needs.  Model 4 is community led neighbourhood teams, currently based on the Forum areas.


12.21 The pathway models include a ‘keyworker’ that will be constant throughout the patient’s journey. 


12.22 SW asked whether the review was taking into account future need based on increasing populations.  SB said yes – they are linking with other departments on transport, housing development etc.  Demographics are plotted 30 years ahead.


12.23 SB said she would appreciate members of the Forum completing the survey this evening is possible.  Also to share it with friends and family and promote it.  Around 170 responses have been received so far.  DP said there is a link to the survey on line and it doesn’t take long to complete.  It can be found here


12.24 SC asked about the link with secondary care.  SB said work is taking place to align strategies.  She recognises the limited scope of this element but there is a transformation group looking across the relevant services.


12.25 LC said that she represents a provider.  She asked whether they can give individual feedback.  SB said yes, she is happy to receive direct e-mails and arrange meetings as well.  CH thanked the CCG for attending.