Agenda item

Consultation on proposals for a Park & Ride east of Bath

A new park and ride is part of a package of improvement works in and around the City, identified in the ‘Getting Around Bath’ transport strategy, which was approved by Council 14th November 2014.  The Cabinet, at its meeting on 8th July, agreed to undertake a public consultation on the options to identify a preferred location for a new Park & Ride east of Bath.  This report outlines the issues raised to date through the consultation process and the wider issues surrounding proposals for a Park and Ride facility to the east of Bath


Following submissions from over 80 members of the public about this issue, the Council considered the submissions to them and the report outlining the issues raised to date through the consultation process on proposals for a Park and Ride facility to the east of Bath.


On a motion from Councillor Tim Warren, seconded by Councillor Anthony Clarke, it was




1.  To note the officer report, including the evidence of need and the results of the consultation.


2.  To reaffirm its commitment to delivering an East of Bath Park & Ride as part of an integrated transport strategy which also includes improvements to local rail services through the MetroWest project, investment in safe walking and cycling routes, support for local bus services, and progress towards an East of Bath link-road.


3.  To ask that the cross-party Local Development Framework Steering Group review all the options for the location of an East of Bath Park & Ride prior to Cabinet selecting a preferred site early next year, giving due consideration to the following:


·  The responses received to the East of Bath Park & Ride consultation;


·  The feasibility and deliverability of each site option;


·  The costs associated with each site option;


·  The transport benefits of each site option;


·  The visual impact of each site option.


4.  That, in addition, Cabinet and officers are also asked to give consideration to:


·  Measures to reduce the number of high-polluting vehicles entering Bath, such as a Low Emission Zone, alongside the delivery of the Park & Ride;

·  Measures to ensure the protection of bus services to the villages east of Bath alongside the delivery of the Park & Ride;

·  Measures to mitigate any visual and environmental impacts of the Park & Ride, whichever site is ultimately selected, including looking at ‘best practice’ examples from elsewhere in the country and abroad.

·  The potential of providing a shuttle-bus service from the new Park & Ride to the RUH.


5.  To ask that Cabinet and officers continue to engage with the Parish Councils and communities on the East of Bath on the proposals for a Park & Ride, and that once a site has been selected and more detailed proposals produced, further public engagement is undertaken as part of the planning process.


6.  That, alongside plans for an East of Bath Park & Ride, Cabinet is asked to develop a fully costed business case for an East of Bath link-road and continues efforts to work alongside our local MPs, neighbouring authorities, Highways England, the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership and the Department for Transport to lobby for the necessary funding to deliver this project; and


7.  To call for the Communities, Transport and Environment Policy Development & Scrutiny Panel to undertake an open and transparent public scrutiny, examining a wide range of integrated transport solutions for the East of Bath.



1  During debate, an unsuccessful amendment was moved by Councillor John Bull and seconded by Councillor Neil Butters, covering much of the wording above, but without a specific commitment to an east of Bath Park & Ride, nor the involvement of the LDF Steering Group.  This was not carried after a named vote with 24 Councillors voting in favour, 35 against and 3 abstentions as follows;

In favour; Councillors Rob Appleyard, Tim Ball, Cherry Beath, Lisa Brett, John Bull, Neil Butters, Jonathan Carr, Paul Crossley, Chris Dando, Douglas Deacon, Andrew Furse, Ian Gilchrist, Liz Hardman, Steve Hedges, Eleanor Jackson, Alison Millar, Robin Moss, Lin Patterson, June Player, Joe Rayment, Caroline Roberts, Nigel Roberts, Dine Romero, Will Sandry.

Against; Councillors Patrick Anketell-Jones, Colin Barrett, Jasper Becker, Anthony Clarke, Matt Cochrane, Fiona Darey, Matthew Davies, Sally Davis, Emma Dixon, Michael Evans, Bob Goodman, Francine Haeberling, Alan Hale, Donal Hassett, Deirdre Horstmann, Steve Jefferies, Les Kew, Marie Longstaff, Barry Macrae, Paul May, Paul Myers, Michael Norton, Lisa O’Brien, Bryan Organ, Christopher Pearce, Vic Pritchard, Liz Richardson, Mark Shelford, Brian Simmons, Peter Turner, Martin Veale, David Veale, Tim Warren, Karen Warrington, Chris Watt.

Abstentions; Councillors Sarah Bevan, Karen Walker, Geoff Ward.


2  The successful resolution above was passed on a named vote with 34 Councillors voting in favour, 26 against and 2 abstentions as follows;

In favour; Councillors Patrick Anketell-Jones, Colin Barrett, Jasper Becker, Anthony Clarke, Matt Cochrane, Fiona Darey, Matthew Davies, Sally Davis, Emma Dixon, Michael Evans, Bob Goodman, Francine Haeberling, Alan Hale, Donal Hassett, Deirdre Horstmann, Steve Jefferies, Les Kew, Marie Longstaff, Barry Macrae, Paul May, Paul Myers, Michael Norton, Lisa O’Brien, Bryan Organ, Christopher Pearce, Vic Pritchard, Liz Richardson, Mark Shelford, Brian Simmons, Peter Turner, David Veale, Tim Warren, Karen Warrington, Chris Watt.

Against; Councillors Rob Appleyard, Tim Ball, Cherry Beath, Lisa Brett, John Bull, Neil Butters, Jonathan Carr, Paul Crossley, Chris Dando, Douglas Deacon, Andrew Furse, Ian Gilchrist, Liz Hardman, Steve Hedges, Eleanor Jackson, Alison Millar, Robin Moss, Lin Patterson, June Player, Joe Rayment, Caroline Roberts, Nigel Roberts, Dine Romero, Will Sandry, Martin Veal, Geoff Ward.

Abstentions; Councillors Sarah Bevan, Karen Walker


3  Resolution 7 above was originally part of the joint amendment and accepted into the successful motion by the mover and seconder of the substantive motion.


Supporting documents: