Agenda item


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Susan Charles, WWISE Network made a statement to the Panel on the subject of Warm Water Swimming Pools. A copy of the statement can be found on the Panel’s Minute Book, a summary is set out below.


She asked were members of the Committee aware that the plans for the remodelling of the Bath Leisure Centre & also the initial proposals for Keynsham Leisure Centres do not address the need for a warm water pool suitable for disabled children, young people and adults living with long term conditions so they can exercise & go swimming for leisure & recreation as well as to maintain their health & fitness along with the rest of the community?


She said that in 2014 there was enormous support for the concept, from this committee as well as a number of other committees we talked to at the time, and we were assured the Council & the CCG would be “working closely ... to ensure the new leisure contract provides the best possible service for local people and supports them to live healthy lifestyles”


She added that since then we have met with the consultants & officers who negotiated the contract & had a very positive discussion with the Local Area Manager for GLL - they were all very supportive of it being included in the remodelling plans. She said it is with dismay therefore that we find it is not in the plans for Bath Leisure Centre nor in the initial proposals for Keynsham.


She explained that in Bath a second warm water pool has been included but, at 60–90cm / 2-3ft maximum depth, it is still too shallow for older children, young people & adults. She added that an additional 30cm/1ft depth would make all the difference and this could be quite achievable in the space available in the Leisure Centre.


She stated that with a suitable pool available to them they could all lead a more active lifestyle, not only improving their physical & mental health and quality of life, but also maintaining more independence so needing less costly NHS treatment interventions & less additional support from Social Services – potentially enormous savings as well being in line with the CCGs 5yr plan, the Council’s Joint Health & Wellbeing & Fit for Life Strategies, and the Children & Young People's Plan besides complying with the Council's Protocol for Decision Making, the Council's Equalities Policy & also its Pledge to Young People.


She said that we feel the Council is failing to capitalise on this once in a lifetime opportunity to ensure a warm water pool suitable for everyone living with long term conditions is included in the remodelled Leisure Centres and we ask the Committee to make representation that the design as it is proposed is given further consideration by both the Council & GLL.


Councillor Lin Patterson asked with the cuts the Council have to make to the current budget over the next few years, how the cost of such a pool can be justified.


Susan Charles replied that the changes needed to the proposed design may not necessarily incur additional expense as the difference could be quite achievable in the space available but they would serve to make it more accessible to a wider range of users including generating more income, especially during the daytime.


She added that it is also our understanding that part of the conditions under which GLL were awarded a long term contract was that they would raise a large amount of capital to invest in improving the leisure facilities in return for the income from the leisure facilities over the term of the contract so the capital cost of any remodelling would not come out of the Council’s current budget.


She said that we understand some of the money for the remodelling is coming from GLL, some from Sport England with the remainder being a loan from the Council, to be repaid over the term of the contract. It would appear therefore that the capital being invested in the Leisure Centre is independent of the Council’s current budget considerations.


Councillor Lin Patterson asked what other facilities were available locally.


Pamela Galloway, WWISE Network replied that there is a long waiting list for follow up sessions at both the RUH and the Mineral Hospital. She added that there is a hydrotherapy pool at the University of Bath, but that had a minimum depth of 1.4m. She said that there was a pool within a special school in Chippenham and a facility in Frome but that you had to hire the whole of the pool to use it. She said that the pool within Three Ways School was fully booked.


Councillor Geoff Ward commented that the Council aims to promote good health and that public baths have been in place for years. He asked what excuses they had been given for request to not be included.


Pamela Galloway replied that they had been told it was not part of the commercial consideration of the leisure centre. She added she believed that if one were provided it would be well used.


Susan Charles added that she had spoken to an expert on this matter and that he could see no reason for it to not be included in. She said that she feels that the Council see it as a purely a medical issue which it is not.


Councillor Geoff Ward asked the Cabinet Member to pursue the matter on behalf of the Select Committee.


Councillor Paul May said that he supported the comments made by the members of the public and believed that it would be a well used facility.


Councillor Vic Pritchard, Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care & Health commented that he was in favour of the concept and that he would speak with colleagues and officers regarding the matter. He asked for clarification if it was a dedicated area that they wished to have.


Pamela Galloway replied that the area in the plans marked as a ‘Teaching Pool’ was too shallow and it was this space that they would like to be made deeper so that adults could use it.


The Director for Adult Care and Health Commissioning said that officers would support the Cabinet Member in moving the issue forward and gathering evidence.


Councillor Eleanor Jackson said that she recalled from previous statements that the cost to raise the temperature of the water in pools was minimal. She added that she would like North East Somerset to also have such a facility as the pool at Gullicks Tyning is too cold and the one in Writhlington had closed.


Councillor Lin Patterson asked what water temperature would be preferable.


Susan Charles replied 33 degrees centigrade.


The Chair thanked the members of the public for their statement and contribution to the debate and asked that the Select Committee be updated on the matter at their next meeting.