Agenda item

Directorate Plan for Place

A report on the Directorate Plan for Place and appendices are attached.


Please note there is a cover report for this Plan and the Resources Directorate Plan which is the next item. The cover report is duplicated for each Plan.


Louise Fradd, Strategic Director for Place introduced the item. She explained that this month (November 2015) the PDS Panels will be looking at the initial plans. She further explained that Appendix 4 sets out the main financial implications and forms the beginning of a 4 year budget plan.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:



Councillor Romero asked about the Waste Strategy and has concerns about an increase in landfill tax. The Director explained that the Waste Contract is coming to an end and there will be a review of Waste Services, she assured the Panel that recycling is a key target and will continue to have prominence.


Councillor Romero stated that this Panel is charged with looking at transport options so she suggests that the bullet on the East of Bath Park and Ride should be changed to an aspiration. The Director agreed that it should be reworded in line with the motion agreed at Council. Councillor Carr suggested the wording should not presume an outcome (eg. Park and Ride).


Councillor Bull asked about the reduction in ‘Economy and Culture’. The Director explained that this is linked to changes in grants. She further explained that the Council is looking at bringing all grants together, this will be phased and events that will help the economy will be targeted. Councillor Carr commented that we should only cut grants to events that are capable of self-sustaining rather than just keeping the ones that make money. The Director assured the Panel that the Council does work with organisations in this way.


The Panel discussed Transport Services, the Director explained that part of the Strategic Review would be to identify bus routes that originally needed a subsidy but are now commercial so do not need this anymore. This will mean there is an overall saving for the authority. Councillor Jackson raised a concern about cutting rural bus routes, the Director explained that this is only about cutting subsidies to routes that are now viable.


In response to a query from Councillor Butters regarding the WIFI network, the Director explained that she is finalising the business case now and the first phase is to install receivers and obtain an income from advertising the second phase is to rent out the Councils own infrastructure/ducts to service providers.


Councillor Butters gave an example of a bus service currently subsidised by Wiltshire Council which is desirable for this Council to continue, he flagged up that this authority may need to step in if another Council withdraws a service. The Director stated that each decision is taken on its merits.


Councillor Bull mentioned the loss of Government Grant and asked if this may mean two weekly waste collections in the future. The Director referred to the planned Waste Review where many different options will be considered, she explained that a major issue is replacing the vehicles.


Councillor Romero asked if the Panel could see the detailed business plans. The Resources Director reminded the Panel that they could ask about specific issues.


The Chair summed up the areas of feedback that the Panel had highlighted:


The robustness of income generating prospects:


·  Wifi;

·  Energy; and

·  Grants to events (income from other events)

Supporting documents: