Agenda item

Directorate Plan for Resources

A report on the Directorate Plan for Resources and appendices are attached.


Please note there is a cover report for this Plan and the Directorate Plan for Place which is the previous item. The cover report is duplicated for each Plan.



Andrew Pate, Strategic Director for Resources introduced the item, reminding the Panel of the items within their remit contained within the Resources Directorate Plan (Community Safety; Libraries; Sustainability and Big Society/Communities). He explained that this month (November 2015) the PDS Panels will be looking at the initial plans. He further explained that Appendix 4 sets out the main financial implications and form the beginning of a 4 year budget plan. He concluded that there was considerable pressure on the Council finances and that there is an emphasis on growing income.


Panel members made the following points and asked the following questions:


Councillor Butters congratulated the Director on the work in the Plan and asked if any country wide research had been done. The Director explained that the Council is alive to what is happening elsewhere tries to learn from best practice. He further explained that the impact on frontline services here has been a lot less than on other authorities.


Councillor Hale asked for reassurance that everything will be done to protect jobs. He also queried the sentence on page 55 about prevention of ‘customer demand’ and asked if this meant a move towards low human contact in frontline services. The Director explained that the Council record on redundancies is good and there is a redeployment policy but that he could give no guarantees beyond 2016/17. Regarding the query on ‘customer demand’ the Director explained that a lot of people prefer to use online services that have 24 hour access and there had been investment in One Stop Shops for those who need support. He also explained that ‘lean systems thinking’ refers to simplifying processes and cutting red tape.


In response to a query from Councillor Romero on consultants, the Director explained that consultants are used only where the skills are needed at specific times and that this is discussed at the Resources PDS Panel. He further explained that there is a good procurement framework and external and internal references are taken. Councillor Hale asked if there is a breakdown of consultancy fees paid, the Director explained that consultants are used in exceptional circumstances and usually within one off projects so figures would be shown within the figures for each project.


In response to a query from Councillor Butters about Parish and Town Council precepts, the Director explained that this is an area where the authority is looking at working in partnership.


The Panel looked at Appendix 3 – Capital Programme. Councillor Romero asked when the business cases would be visible, the Director explained that there are two levels of approval and a business case is needed before it is taken to Cabinet. He further explained that refinancing details are within the 2016/17 proposals, there is a new approach to how Capital schemes are financed.


Councillor Bull asked about the creation of a new property company to provide market rate housing to rent. The Director explained that there is a strong demand for rented accommodation and that the Council has access to good finance rates so is in a good position. Councillor Charles Gerrish, Cabinet Member for Finance and Efficiency added that the Council is fortunate in having substantial commercial estate with vacant floors upstairs so can meet a need while making good use of assets.  Councillor Carr asked if the property company is focusing on a particular target market and if there are policies in place to help us to be a good landlord. The Director explained that the details of the scheme and business plan will be brought to the December meeting of the Cabinet. The Cabinet Member added that he believed that the authority should be a good landlord and that the company will have elected Members on board to represent residents. Councillor Carr asked if there is consultation regarding housing over shops. The Cabinet Member reassured the Panel that there would be appropriate engagement if there is a perceived issue.






Supporting documents: