Agenda item

Placemaking Plan - Key Issues for Bath

A presentation will be made to the Forum



5.1 Stephen George from the Planning Policy Team then gave a presentation regarding the Placemaking Plan. (Attached)


5.2 Cllr Paul Crossley asked if there would be uplift in the funds from the community infrastructure levy (CIL), and whether this would be channelled through the Forum such as the method when there is a Neighbourhood Plan.


5.3 Cllr Bob Goodman pointed out that Neighbourhood Planning was specifically excluded from the Forum’s Terms of Reference


5.4 Andy Thomas confirmed this and, in response to a question from Cllr Goodman, that any change to this would need to be determined by Council 


5.5 In response to a query from Cllr Peter Turner, about North Quays, Stephen George confirmed that this was a flagship project and that it was essential that a “Grade A” offering was made in terms of office space. This would be done with a combination of flood defence and waterside development.


5.6 Cllr Patrick Anketell-Jones asked how green spaces and infrastructure would be managed. Stephen George replied that this was built into the policy framework.


5.7 A member of asked about the percentage of affordable housing in the developments and the differences between social and affordable housing.


5.8 Stephen George replied that affordable housing should be 30 – 40%.


5.9 Cllr Bob Goodman mentioned that the Core Strategy suggests this should be around 50%.


5.10 Cllr Rob Appleyard agreed that he could understand the concerns regarding the need for affordable housing but suggested that student accommodation was a bigger issue and that there needed to be a dialogue with the Universities regarding this.


5.11 Cllr Lisa Brett reminded the meeting that it was not possible to change national policy.


5.12 Cllr Shaun McGall agreed that HMOs had become a problem, hence an Article 4 direction being introduced. However, the cap on student numbers being removed would add to pressure. He went on to say that the Placemaking Plan was only considering the development sites and not the consequences of overspill. Buy To Let spreading across the City will compound problems. Cllr Bob Goodman agreed.


5.13 Robin Kerr, Chair of FOBRA, asked to speak from the floor. He suggested that what was needed is a Student Housing Policy and went on to say that the Placemaking Plan has no mention of the City of Bath as a Word Heritage Site and asked why this is the case. He referred back to the Core Strategy which he had recently re-read and suggested that the Enterprise Zone needs to ‘blend’ as one place. There are many items missing and there needs to be far more co-ordination with the Transport Strategy.


5.14 Cllr Joe Rayment asked if it was the role of the Council to cap student numbers. He suggested that this may be counterproductive and that a steer was required from central government.


5.15 Cllr Shaun McGall mentioned SP26 criteria G. The need for accommodation being provided before an increase in academic spaces needs to be decided.


5.16 Patrick Rotheram from FOBRA asked to speak. He felt that the numbers of students in Bath are a hot topic: the Forum’s observations were welcome and the Forum should take a position.


5.17 Cllr Appleyard explained that there is a scrutiny panel which is an open public meeting that already has the mechanism to look at the topic of students.


5.18 Cllr Joe Rayment suggested that after the co-optees had been recruited a position should be taken on this matter.


5.19 Cllr Bob Goodman reminded the meeting that group members have had influence and input to the early stages of the Placemaking Plan.


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