Agenda item

Child Sexual Exploitation

The Early Years, Children and Youth Panel have requested an update on the progress and initiatives that have been undertaken to address the growing awareness and understanding of Child Sexual Abuse. This report sets out the actions undertaken by the Council and the Local Safeguarding Children Board over the past six months.


The Divisional Director for Children & Young People, Specialist Services introduced this item to the Panel. He explained that the public profile in relation to issues of Child Sexual Exploitation continues to be very high. He said that this heightened profile and continued scrutiny means that it is vital that the Council and the LSCB continue to develop a strong, co-ordinated response to these challenges.


He informed them that the Council’s Multi-Agency Risk Management Panel was set up in October 2013. He explained that the Panel monitored and risk-assessed cases of CSE alongside cases where young people were using drugs, were absent from home and putting themselves “at risk”.


He stated that the focus of the panel has been reviewed and that it now has a  sole focus on CSE/Missing issues. He added that the core membership of the panel had reduced to those agencies with a statutory role in addressing these types of concern. He said that the membership of the panel now comprises; Police, Council (representation covering Social Care and school attendance) and Health. The panel will now meet on a monthly basis and has met twice in its new format.


He explained that over the past six months the LSCB sub-group had commissioned another round of training for staff across all LSCB agencies. As previously highlighted, the members of the Willow Project have all received three days of intensive training on the key issues relating to CSE and in how to successfully sustain relationships with vulnerable young people.


He said that in addition to this we have set up training for 100 staff across the LSCB which is aimed at being more specialist and builds upon the training which was provided last year.


He informed the Panel that along with six other regional Local Authorities, B&NES recently agreed to become a partner in a joint bid to the Home Office Innovation Fund which is also being co-ordinated by the Avon and Somerset Police and Crime Commissioner. He said that if successful the bid would provide additional resources into the region to tackle CSE. He added that the bid will enable the region to provide additional training capacity that can reach out into rural areas and ensure that awareness and recognition are priority issues for agencies outside of the urban centres in the region. He said that the bid will also provide funding for provision of a regional CSE co-ordinators post that will assist in consistency of thresholds and decision making across the seven Local Authorities.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if the Panel could receive the results of the LSCB self assessments by schools at some stage.


The Deputy Director for Children & Young People, Strategy and Commissioning replied that he would be happy to share the results in the future.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if any schools had become involved with the LSCB since the last meeting of the Panel.


The Deputy Director for Children & Young People, Strategy and Commissioning replied that one headteacher had recently offered to join the LSCB.


The Divisional Director for Children & Young People, Specialist Services added that one headteacher was also now on the CSE Sub-Group.


Councillor Liz Hardman asked if the figures quoted on page four of the report were the number of individuals or cases identified.


The Divisional Director for Children & Young People, Specialist Services replied that the figures relate to 19 different children. He added that reoccurring cases will be reviewed.


The Chair thanked the officers for their continued work on this matter on behalf of the Panel.

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