Agenda item
A briefing report is attached. Simon de Beer (Planning Policy & Environment Manager) will attend to answer questions on progress with the following issues:
a) Update on the adopted B&NES Core Strategy
b) The B&NES Place-Making Plan
c) The B&NES Housing Development Boundaries Review
d) The Community Infrastructure Levy Charging Schedule
e) The B&NES Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People Site Allocations DPD
Simon de Beer, Planning Policy and Environment Manager, introduced these items relating to the Local Development Framework.
Core Strategy
The Strategy has now been adopted and there had been no legal challenge, so therefore the adoption has been confirmed. This means that the Council is on a much more robust position to defend challenges from developers.
With regard to the urban extension sites, the Core Strategy requires that the developers prepare a Masterplan in consultation with the community and the Council. Developers have indicated their willingness to do this and work with the local communities.
The clerk to Combe Hay Parish Council informed the meeting that the first exhibition of proposed development of land at Odd Down would be on 3rd November.
Placemaking Plan
Simon de Beer informed the meeting that there had been a positive response from parishes to developing placemaking plans and that the quality of the plans was very high. The options document will be presented to the Cabinet in late November and the consultation period will continue till January 2015.
Councillor Paul Crossley wished to record his thanks to Stanton Drew Parish Council for inviting him to their placemaking planning day. He informed the meeting that he was happy to attend other parish planning days, as was Councillor Tim Ball.
Housing Development Boundaries Review
Simon de Beer informed the meeting that the department had had a good response to the review, with responses from 15 councils to date. These will be included the in the Placemaking Plans.
The Chairman asked whether the ward councillors were involved in these reviews and was informed that they were, along with the LDF steering group.
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL)
Simon de Beer informed the meeting that the consultation on this issue had been completed and it would be submitted for examination in December. A corporate decision would be made as to how the levy would be spent.
The secretary to the Local Councils Association asked whether it was likely that developers will challenge the levy and delay the process. Simon de Beer replied that it was unlikely. The rates are at the high end, but a significant buffer has been included. Section 106 issues have also been taken into account. The Inspector has the option to lower the rate, having assessed our levy. A representative from Batheaston Parish Council asked whether the Section 106 agreement was defunct and was informed that it would work in tandem with the CIL.
Gypsies, Travellers and Travelling Show People Site Allocations Plan
Simon de Beer informed the meeting that the Local Development Scheme had just been reviewed. Work has been delayed to ensure that all adjoining local authorities have a good evidence base as the Strategy requires neighbouring councils to work together on this issue. Once that has been achieved, sites in the West of England can be identified. The Chairman asked when the West of England consultation would be going public and was informed that it would not be publicised as its purpose would be as a background technical document for informing the local authorities. It would eventually be published in Autumn 2015.
A representative from Compton Dando Parish Council asked how the parishes join in the consultation and was informed that a link to the consultation would be sent to all parishes. A representative of Monkton Combe Parish Council asked whether the Council could afford to identify any more sites, given the cost of the Lower Bristol Road site. Councillor Crossley replied that there had been misinformation about the cost of that site.
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