Agenda item

Boat Dwellers & River Travellers Update

This update provides a progress report on the work of the Strategic River Group and how they are taking forward the recommendations in the Boat Dwellers and River Travellers review.


The River Co-ordinator introduced this report to the Panel. She explained that in March 2014 Bath and North East Somerset Council established a Strategic River Group. She stated that the purpose of the group is to provide strategic oversight of the River Avon from Dundas Wharf to Hanham Lock and that it contains representatives from B&NES, the Environment Agency, Canal and Rivers Trust, The River Regeneration Trust and Wessex Water.


She informed them that the Strategic River Group is in the process of defining a River Avon Corridor Strategy and Action Plan. The key themes of the Strategy will be Safe and Active Communities; Environmental River Improvements; Economy and Development; Sustainable Networks and Adaptation to Climate Change.


She said that the recommendations from the Boat Dwellers and River Travellers review were captured in the Safe and Active Communities theme. She added that at the last meeting of the Strategic River Group it was agreed to form a Task and Finish Group reporting to the SRG, to deliver the actions in the review. She stated that the group would consist of members from the Canal & Rivers Trust and B&NES Planning, Housing, Environment and Equality and Diversity teams.


The initial actions of the Task and Finish Group will be to:


·  Review the current evidence base relating to Boat Dwellers and River Travellers

·  If necessary improve and expand the evidence base and develop appropriate guidance for boat dwellers

·  Review the current voluntary code and consider how appropriate moorings can be incorporated into the planning system via the current Placemaking Plan process

·  Review existing best practice and if necessary undertake visits to those authorities highlighted


The Chair commented that she welcomed the co-ordinated approach of the Task and Finish Group. She said that as well as the collection of data she would like to make sure that the views of the people concerned are heard.


The River Co-ordinator replied that she hoped the work would provide a greater understanding and quantify why people are living on the river.


Councillor Steve Hedges wished to congratulate Councillor Dave Laming for his pursuit on this area of work. He expressed his concern that the correct type of moorings would need to be provided with amenities in the locality.


Councillor Brian Simmons commented that he felt that the Health & Wellbeing Board should be made aware of this work.


The Corporate Policy Manager for Equalities introduced to the Panel the newly appointed Engagement Officers for Gypsies & Travellers and Boat Dwellers.


Councillor Dave Laming thanked the Chair and Councillor Tim Ball for their efforts on this matter. He stated that the River Regeneration Trust was now also in existence and that sites had already been identified for development. He added that he was optimistic for the future on this matter.


The Chair commented that the waterways were a great asset for B&NES, but that concern remained over the recent deaths associated with them and called for safety to be further improved.


Councillor Dave Laming agreed that it remained such an important issue.


The Chair asked for the Panel’s comments to be passed to the Strategic River Group.

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