Agenda item

11.00am NHS B&NES Clinical Commissioning Group 5 year plan and Better Care Fund (50 minutes)

The Board is asked to approve:


·  The Draft 5 Year Strategy, noting that the final submission of the Strategy will be 20th June 2014 and further work is required in the interim in the following areas:

a) Public engagement – further sessions are planned in April and May to consult members of the public regarding our plans.

b) Developing impact assessments

c) Detailed implementation plans

d) Strengthening our articulation of the case for change

e) Demonstrating we are addressing the national priorities fully

f) Consolidating the consistency and synergy between the 2 year operational plan and 5 year draft strategy.


·  The final version of the Strategy will be brought back to the Health and Wellbeing Board for approval in May 2014.


·  The Better Care Fund Plan attached at Appendix 2 which will be submitted on 4th April 2014.


·  The Draft Operational Plan which will be submitted to NHS England on 4th April 2014. This is provided for information only. Some elements of this plan are still progressing e.g. contract values and we expect some details to change before submission but we do not anticipate any material changes to the headline figures.


The Chair invited Dr Ian Orpen, Dr Simon Douglass and Jane Shayler to give a presentation and introduce the report.

Dr Orpen and Dr Douglass gave a presentation (attached to these minutes) where they highlighted the following points:

  • Patient - a real case study : Bath & North East Somerset CCG
  • History: context of CCG
  • Symptoms: challenges facing CCG
  • The uncomfortable truth: financial challenge going
  • Diagnosis, treatment plan and Prescription: how the CCG plans to tackle the issues facing it focussing on the 6 priority areas
  • Prognosis: the object of developing a sustainable health and social care service
  • Transformational Leadership Board – that will be responsible for delivery of the plans
  • Operation Plan for 2014-16 with special focus on
    1. Urgent Care
    2. Primary Care
    3. Long Term Conditions and Frail Older People
    4. Planned care
  • Quality Objectives that support the plans
  • Enablers that will help deliver the plan


 The Chair thanked officers and providers who worked on the 5 Year Clinical Commissioning Group Plan. 

Councillor Romero welcomed the Plan though she expressed her concern that, although 30% of the population were ‘under 25’, there was hardly any mention of the young people in the Plan.  Councillor Romero hoped that the Better Care Fund would have more focus on the young people.  Councillor Romero welcomed that databases and IT had been joined up between organisations.


Dr Orpen responded that children services were an important part of the Plan.  The CCG had to concentrate on key areas, on priorities, which didn’t mean that the other areas were forgotten.


John Holden highlighted three points of the Plan:


a)  Provision of health services in the community with reference to provision of services in a cluster population of 30-50,000.  John Holden commented that, for him, it looked like GPs would operate on cluster level, rather than on individual level.

b)  Organisational chart – John Holden expressed his concern on the accountability in the system.  There should be much tighter, smaller membership, practice.

c)  The whole ethos was about getting money out of the acute centre into the community arena.  John Holden expressed his concern that it was hard to see a mechanism for making that happen, as there was nothing to force the pace of that transition.


The Chair commented that the involvement of Primary Care in terms of our strategies was vital.


Dr Douglass commented that the Plan was still in draft.  In terms of getting money out of the acute centre into the community arena – these were still untested waters.  There has been an opportunity to make this happen because of the investment into great working relationships.  Dr Douglass also said that he noticed change in the way providers work, for the better.


Diana Hall Hall commented that the patient was, and should be, in the centre of thinking.  Diana Hall Hall said she was interested in the public engagement at the primary care.  Diana Hall Hall said it would be helpful to know what the local GPs think about this.


The Board agreed with the comments from John Holden, Dr Douglass and Diana Hall Hall.


Douglas Blair commented that the NHS England was responsible for the primary care commissioning.  The NHS England would need to be clear what would be locally expected from the primary care.


Pat Foster commented that the Healthwatch welcomed the Plan and also the Better Care Fund.


It was RESOLVED to approve recommendations as listed in the report.

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